Provođenje zakona u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu organizirano je odvojeno za
svaki od pravnih sistema UK: Engleske i Walesa, Sjeverne Irske i
Škotske. Većinu u provođenju zakona imaju pripadnici regionalnih
policijskih organizacija u okvirima svoje jurisdikcije. Svoje aktivnosti
usklađuju sa specijalnim i drugim službama na regionalnom ili državnom
nivou. Prvenstvene dužnosti policajaca su zaštita života i vlasništva,
osiguranje mira te prevencija i otkrivanje kriminalnih djela. |
Law enforcement in the United Kingdom is organised separately in each of
the legal systems of the United Kingdom: England and Wales, Northern
Ireland and Scotland. Most law enforcement is carried out by police
officers serving in regional police services within one of these
jurisdictions. These regional services are complemented by UK-wide
agencies, such as the, and specialist bodies hosted by regional police
forces, such as the Specialist Operations directorate of the Mtropolitan
Police. Police officers are granted certain powers to enable them to
execute their duties. Their primary duties are the protection of life
and property, preservation of the peace, and prevention and detection of
criminal offences. |