Singapurske policijske snage (The Singapore Police Force, SPF) je
osnovna organizacija za održavanje reda i provođenje zakona u ovom
gradu-državi. Prije znana kao Policija Republike Singapur (RSP;
malajski: Polis Repablik Singapura), prerasla je
od svojih 11 policajaca, jednog čuvara zatvora i šefa u 1819. do snage
od 38.587 pripadnika. Singapur se redovno svrstava među prvih pet
zemalja po kvaliteti policijskih usluga. Organizaciona struktura
policije vrlo je slična onoj vojnoj. Trenutno postoji 14 redovnih
odjela, 3 specijalistička odjela te 10 specijalističkih jedinica.
Policijski se centar nalazi u Novom feniks parku u Noveni u zgradama
blizancima, čiji drugi dio zauzima Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova. |
za kapu |
za revere |
za kapu |
za rukav |
The Singapore Police Force is the main agency tasked with maintaining
law and order in the city-state. Formerly known as the Republic of
Singapore Police (RSP; malajski: Polis Repablik
Singapura), it has grown from an 11-man organisation to a 38,587
strong force. Singapore has been ranked consistently in the top five
positions in the Global Competitiveness Report in terms of its
reliability of police services.The organisation structure of the SPF is
split between the staff and line functions, roughly modelled after the
military. There are currently 14 staff departments, 3 specialist staff
departments and 10 specialist and line units. The headquarters is
located in a block at New Phoenix Park in Novena, adjacent to a twin
block occupied by the Ministry of Home Affairs. |
Standardna struktura činova se koristi u cijeloj policiji, makar neki
od činova mogu biti jedinstveni u specifičnim službama. Čin kaplara je
ukinut 1972. godine, ali je ponovono uveden 1976. godine. 1997. svi se
činovi prebacuju sa rukava na epolete, osim za jedinicu koju čine
Gurke. Iste te godine čin Staničnog inspektora prebačen sa revera na
epolete, sa novim dizajnom koji je sličan onom višeg podoficira Oružanih
snaga Singapura. 1998. godine se uvodi novi čin Stariji stanični
inspektor i redizajniraju se neki od starih činova. 2002. godine ukidaju
čin višeg kaplara. I na kraju 2006. jedinice Gurka uvode vezene činove
na nove promijenjene radne uniforme, ali ih nose na desnom prsnom džepu. |
1982 - 1997
Razvodnik |
Kaplar |
Narednik |
Stožerni narednik |
A standard rank structure is used throughout the police force, although
some ranks may be unique to specific organisations. The rank of Corporal
was abolished in 1972, but reinstated in 1976. In 1997, all ranks were
shifted from the sleeves to the epaulettes, except for the Gurkha
Contingent. Also in the same year, the Station Inspector rank was
changed from collar pips to epaulettes with a new design similar to that
of the SAF Warrant Officers, and the rank of Senior Station Inspector
was introduced. In 1998, the Senior Station Inspector (2) rank was
introduced, and changes were made to the SI, SSI, and SSI(2) rank
designs. The rank of Lance Corporal was abolished in 2002. The 2006, the
Gurkha Contingent adopted embroidered ranks as part of an overhaul of
its combat dress, but are worn on the right front pocket. |