Namibijske policijske snage osnovane su parlamentarnim zakonom i pod
upravom su Ministarstva sigurnosti. Na čelu policije je Generalni
inspektor, kojeg postavlja Predsjednik Republike Namibije. Snage se
sastoje od policajaca i službenika, postavljenih od strane generalnog
inspektora, a uključuju i rezervni sastav za vrijeme službe te
privremene i dobrovoljne pripadnike. Policija je podijeljena na regije,
direktorate, odjele, pododjele te policijske stanice. Zakonom o policiji
određene su funkcije policije, kao što su naprimjer: osiguranje
unutrašnje sigurnosti u Nambiji, održavanje reda i zakona, istrage svih
kriminalnih djela, prevencija kriminala te osiguranje života i imovine
građana. |
oznaka za rukav |
policija Windhoek |
The Namibian Police Force was established by Act of Parliament and
resorts under the Ministry of Safety and Security. It is headed by the
Inspector General who is appointed by the President of the Republic of
Namibia. The Force consists of officers and non-officers appointed under
the Police Act by the Inspector General of the Namibian Police Force and
includes reservists while serving in the Force and any temporary and
auxiliary members. The Force is divided into different Regions,
Directorates, Divisions, Subdivisions and Police Stations. In accordance
with the Police Act the functions of the Namibian Police Force are:
preservation of the internal security of Namibia, the maintenance of law
and order, the investigation of any offense or alleged offense, the
prevention of crime and to protection of life and property. |