Mauritanijska policija organizirana je po francuskom sistemu sa Žandarmerijom, Nacionalnom gardom i Nacionalnom policijom. Žandarmerija se nalazi pod upravom Ministarstva odbrane i djeluje kao unutrašnji sigurnosni sistem koji primjenjuje i vojno i civilno pravo. 1987. godine odvajaju ih od vojske, ali ostaju odgovorni šefu vojske i zadržavaju vojne činove. Nacionalna garda je odgovorna za rad sa ostalim policijskim strukturama te za održavanje i uspostavljanje javnog reda. Nacionalna policija je odgovorna za redovne policijske poslove i održavanje reda. Struktura nacionale policije se sastoji od agenata, inspektora i komesara.

Oznaka za kapu Nacionalne policije    

      Mauritania's police are modeled on the French system, with an armed forse, a Gendarmerie, a National Guard and a National Police. The Gendarmerie falls under the supervision of the Defence Ministry and functions as an internal security system, applying both military and civilian laws.  It was separate from the military in 1987, but is still answerable to the head of the military and maintaines military ranks. The National Guard is responsible for working with other police forces and security agencies, and maintaining and restoring public order.  The National Police is responsible for general policing, public order maintenance. The National Police hierarchy consists of Agent, Inspector and Commissioner. There have been allegations that the hierarchy is based against black Mauritanians and Taucouleur descendants.





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