Nacionalna policija, sa sjedištem u Amanu nadležna je za cijeli državni
teritorij. Policijom upravlja generalni direktor za javnu sigurnost,
tradicionalno viši general jordanskih oružanih snaga, koji odgovara
Ministru unutarnjih poslova. Postoji deset regionalnih direktorata,
kojima rukovode osobe s titulom „muhafathat“. Od tih deset uprava jedna
je za grad Aman i jedna koja pokriva pustinjske regije i ima čuvenu
Pustinjsku policiju. Specijalne policijske jedinice imaju svoju upravu i
glavni im je zadatak borba protiv terorizma. Glavna obavještajna služba
(Mukhabarat) odgovara direktno kralju i zadužena je za domaću i vanjsku
sigurnost, špijumažu te protivterorističke operacije. Jordanska
nacionalna policija ima otprilike 25.000 pripadnika. Prve jordanske
policijske snage formirane su nakon pada Otomanske imperije 11. 04.
1921. godine. |
Uprava javne sigurnosti |
Headquartered in Amman, national police headquarters has responsibility
for police, security, and law enforcement activities for the entire
country. The police are headed by a Director General of Public Security,
Traditionally a senior Jordan Army general, who then reports to the
Ministry of Interior. Below the central headquarters there are ten
regional directorates. Eight of which correspond to the governorates
called muhafathat, and one covered Amman and its suburbs. The desert
region was a separate directorate and was patrolled by the Desert Police
Force. The Special Police Force (SPF) is a separate and elite branch of
the Public Security Directorate that focuses primarily on combating
terrorism. Additionally, the General Intelligence Department (GID),
generally known as the Mukhabarat from the Arabic name Dairat al
Mukhabarat, which reports directly to the king and is responsible for
domestic and international security, espionage, and counterterrorist
operations. |
Turistička policija |
Policija Ammana |
The Jordanian national police, which is subordinate to the Public
Security Directorate of the Ministry of Interior includes approximately
25,000 persons. The first police force in the Jordanian state, after the
fall of the ottoman Empire was organized on 11th of April 1921. |