Policia National |
Nacionala policija Kolumbije (Policía Nacional de Colombia) je najveća policijska organizacija
u zemlji i nalazi se pod upravom Ministarstva obrane. Njeni su
proklamirani zadaci provođenje zakona i osiguravanje ustavnih prava te
omogućavanje sloboda i prava koji garantiraju miroljubivu koegzistenciju
među populacijom. |
The Colombian National Police (Policía Nacional de Colombia) is
the national police force of the Republic of Colombia. It is the largest
police force in Colombia under the control of the Ministry of Defence.
Its main function is to protect the Colombian nation, enforce the law by
constitutional mandate to maintain and guarantee the necessary
conditions for public freedoms and rights and to ensure peaceful
cohabitation among the population. |
Policia Nacional
Republica de Colombia |
Policia Nacional
Republica de Colombia |
Oznaka za kape službene uniforme |
Oznaka za kape radne uniforme |
Oznake kolumbijske policije sastoji se od dva koncentrična kruga unutar
kojih se nalazi bijela petokraka zvijezda na kojoj se kao glavni element
ističe Nacionalni grb Kolumbije, potvrđujući vrijednost policije za
naciju. Lovor koji ga okružuje simbolizira vječnu pobjedu koju sloboda
nosi sa sobom; 11 crvenih bobica predstavlja mjesec studeni, a pet
zelenih zvijezda koje odvajaju tekstove Republika Kolumbija i Nacionalna
policija, simboliziraju razboritost, strogost i poslušnost i označavaju
5. 11. 1891. god., dan osnivanja kolumbijske Nacionalne policije.
Colombian Police coat of arms is made up of two concentric circles
inside which it has a five-pointed star on which the National Shield of
Colombia stands out as the main element, ratifying the value of the
Police for the nation. The laurel that embraces it symbolizes the
perennial victory that freedom brings with it; the 11 red gules
represents the month of November and the five green stars that separate
the texts Republic of Colombia and National Police, symbolize prudence,
rigor and obedience and indicate the day of the foundation of the
Colombian National Police on November 5, 1891. |
Escuela de
Capacitacion Tecnica en Automotores |
povećanja policijskog voznog parka i složenosti policijske službe te
porasta novih modaliteta kriminala traži se veća pripremljenost
osoblja, pa je upravljanje policijskim vozilima postalo prava tehnička
specijalnost. 29. 07. 1983. rođena je ova škola, te je postala dio
Uprave za nastavu, u Odjelu za osposobljavanje i specijalizacije
podoficira i policajaca. 2008. godine prestaje s radom Auto-tehnička
škola, a umjesto nje je Rješenjem broj 03435 od 12. 08. iste godine
osnovana Škola za sigurnost prometa na cestama. |
Escuela de
Capacitacion Tecnica en Automotores |
Auto škola
tehničkog smjera |
Due to the increase in the police vehicle fleet and the complexity of
the police service, as well as the increase in new forms of crime,
greater preparedness of personnel is required, so the driving of police
vehicles has become a real technical specialty. On July 29, 1983, this
school was born and became part of the Administration for Education, in
the Department for training and specialization of non-commissioned
officers and police officers. In 2008, the Auto-Technical School ceased
to operate, and in its place, the Road Traffic Safety School was
established by Decision No. 03435 of 12 August of the same year. |