Nacionalna policija Angole podređena je Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova
te je prema „protokolu iz Lusake“ odgovorna za održavanje javnog reda i
osiguranje interesa. Integriteta i sigurnosti svih ososba u Angoli, bez
obzira na njihovu nacionalnu pripadnost, mjesto rođenja, rasu, religiju,
socijalno porijeklo ili političku orijentaciju. U svojem sastavu
Nacionalna policija ima elitnu jedinicu „Interventnu jedinicu za brze
reakcije“ (Polícia de Intervenção Rápida (Rapid Intervention Police) ili
skraćeno PIR. To je vojno organizirana jedinica, kreirana 1992. godine i
u narodu dobija nadimak „nindže“. Specijalisti su za uspostavljanje reda
u npr. masovnim demonstracijama. |
Nacionalna policija sastoji se od slijedećih odjela: Javna sigurnost,
Kriminalističke istrage, Promet i transport, Istrage i inspekcije
ekonomskih aktivnosti, Porezni i granični nadzor, Interventna policija i
Specijalna interventna policija. Nacionalna policija prolazi
modernizaciju i reorganizaciju, od nabave helikoptera do unapređenja
kriminalističkih istražnih odjela i forenzike. Brojno stanje se kreće od
oko 6.000 policajaca, 2.500 pripadnika porezne i granične policije, 182
kriminalista, 100 „financijskih“ kriminalista te oko 90 „ekonomskih“
inspektora. |
Policia |
Especial Intervenção |
Policija |
interventna policija |
The Angola National Police falls under the Ministry of the Interior and,
according to the Lusaka Protocol, is “responsible for the maintenance of
public order and the defense of the interests, integrity and security of
all persons in Angola, irrespective of their nationality, place of
birth, race, religion, social origin or political party
affiliation”. The Angola National Police has an elite force component
called the Polícia de Intervenção Rápida (Rapid Intervention Police) or
PIR. PIR is a paramilitary-type force which was created in 1992 and is
known by the people as the ‘ninjas’. It is responsible for maintaining
internal security through, for instance, securing situations
characterised by mass demonstrations. |
The National Police departments are: Public Order, Criminal
Investigation, Traffic and Transport, Investigation and Inspection of
Economic Activities, Taxation and Frontier Supervision, Riot Police and
the Rapid Intervention Police. The National Police are in the process of
standing up an air wing, which will provide helicopter support for
police operations. The National Police are also developing their
criminal investigation and forensic capabilities. The National Police
has an estimated 6,000 patrol officers, 2,500 Taxation and Frontier
Supervision officers, 182 criminal investigators and 100 financial
crimes detectives and around 90 Economic Activity Inspectors. |