Tatmadaw doslovno 'Oružane snage' službeni je naziv oružanih snaga
Mjanmara (Burme). Njime upravlja Ministarstvo obrane, a čine ga vojska
Mjanmara, mjanmarska mornarica i mjanmarska ratna avijacija. Pomoćne
službe uključuju mjanmarske policijske snage, graničnu stražu, obalnu
stražu Mjanmara i jedinice narodne milicije. |
Kopnena vojska Mijanmara (Tatmadaw Kyee) uvijek je bila daleko najveća
služba i uvijek je primala lavovski dio obrambenog proračuna Burme.
Igrala je najistaknutiju ulogu u borbi Burme protiv 40 ili više
pobunjeničkih skupina od 1948. i stekla je reputaciju čvrste i
snalažljive vojne sile. Godine 1981. opisana je kao "vjerojatno najbolja
(vojska) u jugoistočnoj Aziji, osim Vijetnamske". Mjanmarska mornarica
je pomorska grana oružanih snaga Burme s procijenjenim 19.000 muškaraca
i žena. Mornarica Mjanmara trenutno upravlja s više od 122 plovila.
Zračne snage Mjanmara formirane su 16. 01. 1947., dok je Mjanmar
(također poznat kao Burma) bio pod britanskom kolonijalnom vlašću.
Primarna misija mjanmarskih zračnih snaga od njihovog osnutka bila je
pružanje transportne, logističke i bliske zračne potpore vojsci Mianmara
u protupobunjeničkim operacijama. |
Vojni odsjek Jug |
The Tatmadaw lit. 'Armed
Forces' is the official name of the armed forces of Myanmar (Burma). It
is administered by the Ministry of Defence and composed of the Myanmar
Army, the Myanmar Navy and the Myanmar Air Force. Auxiliary services
include the Myanmar Police Force, the Border Guard, the Myanmar Coast
Guard, and the People's Militia Units. |
The Myanmar Army (Tatmadaw
Kyee) has always been by far the largest service and
has always received the lion's share of Burma's defence budget. It has
played the most prominent part in Burma's struggle against the 40 or
more insurgent groups since 1948 and acquired a reputation as a tough
and resourceful military force. In 1981, it was described as "probably
the best [army] in Southeast Asia, apart from Vietnam's". The Myanmar
Navy is the naval branch of the armed forces of Burma with estimated
19,000 men and women. The Myanmar Navy currently operates more than 122
vessels. The Myanmar Air Force was formed on 16 January 1947, while
Myanmar (also known as Burma) was under British colonial rule. The
primary mission of Myanmar Air Force since its inception has been to
provide transport, logistical, and close air support to Myanmar Army in
counter-insurgency operations. |