Kraljevske kambodžanske oružane snage (Kangtrop Yothipol Khemarak
Phumin) pod komandom NjV Kralja Norodoma Sihamonia se sastoje od kopnene
vojske, mornarice, avijacije i specijalnih snaga. Oružanim snagama
upravlja Ministarstvo odbrane. Ustavom određeni zadaci Oružanih snaga su
zaštita suvereniteta i teritorijalnog integriteta Kraljevine Kambodže od
vanjskih prijetnji. Kraljevske kambodžanske oružane snage su osnovane
1993. godine ujedinjenjem Kambodžanske narodne armije i dviju ne
komunističkih snaga otpora. U to su vrijeme postojale i dvije opozicione
snage i to Crveni Kmeri te Kraljevski pokret otpora, znan i kao
Nacionalna ujedinjena armija. Predvodnik kambodžanskih Oružanih snaga je
125-ta divizija, koju je osnovao 1978. godine Hun Sen (kasniji
kambodžanski premijer) uz podršku Vijetnamske narodne armije. |
PATCH (left side) |
Platnena oznaka
sa kape |
sa desnog rukava |
Prsna oznaka
(lijeva strana iznad džepa) |
The Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (Kangtrop Yothipol Khemarak Phumin)
(RCAF) are the national military forces of Cambodia. The
Commander-in-Chief is HM King Norodom Sihamoni, and consists of the
Army, Navy, Air Force and Special Forces. The armed forces currently
operate under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of National defence.
Under the constitution the RCAF is in charged of protecting the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia from
external threats. The RCAF was created in 1993 by the merger of the
Cambodian People's Armed Forces and the two non communist resistance
armies. At the time, there were also resistance forces opposing the
Government comprising the Khmer Rouge and a separate royalist resistance
movement (also known as the National United Army or NUA). The forerunner
of the Cambodian Armed Forces is the Division 125. It was established in
1978 by Hun Sen (now is Prime Minister) and the Vietnam People's Army's
support. |
Kraljevska Žandarmerija Kambodže (ujedno i Vojna Policija) je grana
Kraljevskih Oružanih snaga i zadužena je za održavanje javnog reda i
unutrašnje sigurnosoti u Kambodži. Njihovih, više od 7000 pripadnika je
raspoređeno po svim provincijama. Centrala (štab) im je smješten u Phnom
Penh-u, u lancu zapovijedanja unutar Visoke Komande Kraljevskih
kambodžanskih oružanih snaga. Direktni komandant im je oficir sa činom
General-potpukovnika. Visoka komanda je zadužena za nadzor nad svim
jedinicama Žandarmerije, kao i nad njihovom obukom. Kraljevska se
žandarmerija sastoji od 10 bataljona, od kojih svaki broji između 500 do
1000 policajaca. Žandarmerija djeluje u sve 23 provincije i 186
distrikta, surađujući sa lokalnim stanovništvom. Glavna jedinica u
svojem sastavu ima mobilni tim, koji se sastoji od šest interventnih
jedinica, motorizirani interventni bataljon, konjicu te četiri
pješadijske jedinice. Škola za obuku žandarmerije je je smještena u
Kambolu u provinciji Kandal. |
sa rukava |
The Royal Gendarmerie of Cambodia, or "Military Police", is a branch of
the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and it is responsible for the
maintenance of public order and internal security in Cambodia. The
paramilitary unit has a strength of more than 7,000 soldiers deployed in
all provinces. Its headquarters is located in Phnom Penh, with the
unit's chain of command through the Royal Cambodian Armed Force High
Command. The Gendarmerie is under the direct supervision of a commander
with an equivalent rank to Lieutenant-General. The High Command is
responsible for monitoring all Gendarmerie units as well as general
trainning. The Royal Gendarmerie consists of 10 battalion. Each
battalion has between 500 - 1000 policemen. The principal bases are
located in Phnom Penh. The Gendarmerie monitors all the 24 provinces
and 186 districts, working with the local people. The unit includes: a
mobile team, consisting of six intervention units, an intervention
vehicle battalion, a cavalry, and 4 infantry, with bases in Phnom Penh.
The Gendarmerie training school is located in Kambol commune, Kandal
Province. |
Kmerske kraljevske oružane snage ("Forces Armées Royales Khmeres" FARK)
uspostavljene su 09.11.1953. Francusko-Kmerskim dogovorom. Vojna se
situacija dramatično mijenja nakon državnog udara 1970. godine. Umjesto
Kraljevine, uspostavlja se Kmerska Republika i Kmerske kraljevske
oružane snage su preimenovane u Kmerske narodne oružane snage (Forces
Armeés Nationales Khmeres – FANK). Ubrzo počinje pravi rat u Kambodži i
ova vojska jača na 200.000 vojnika. Sve lojalne oružane snage su
stavljene pod zapovjedništvo Predsjednika Republike. Režim pada 04.1975.
i pobjednici „Crveni Kmeri“ (Khmer Rouge) organiziraju nove vojne snage,
Narodnu Armiju Demokratske Kampučije, sastavljene isključivo od
pripadnika Crvenih Kmera. |
sa rukava |
The Royal Khmer Armed Forces "Forces Armées Royales Khmeres" (FARK), was
established on 9 November 1953 under a Franco-Khmer convention. The
military situation changed dramatically following the coup d'état in
March 1970. In the Khmer Republic regime, FARK was renamed "Khmer
National Armed Forces" (Forces Armeés Nationales Khmeres – FANK). When
Cambodia real war followed, and in response to a declared state of
emergency, the FANK's size was expanded to reach approximately 200,000
military personnel organized in brigades and divisions. The armed forces
of all categories were placed under command and control of the
President. Khmer Republic regime fall in April 1975, when Khmer Rouge
established a new military force called National Army of Democratic
Kampuchea (NADK). It was purely composed of Khmer Rouge fighters.
Similar to other forces, the NADK was organized up to division level and
under command of the Chief of the General Staff. |