Nacionalna policija broji oko 25.00 pripadnika koji su locirani po
gradovima i naseljima širom zemlje, sa garnizonima u Ashgabatu,
Gyzylarbatu i Dashhowuzu. Uloga policije se uglavnom svodi na održavanje
javnog reda i mira te neke administrativne poslove kao što su kontrola
unutrašnjeg kretanja, izdavanja viza strancima te registriranje stranih
gostiju. Na nacionalnom nivou primarni su im zadaci sigurnost te
sprečavanje ilegalne trgovine (droga i druge robe) kao i borba protiv
organiziranog i međunarodnog kriminala. Istrage krivičnih djela su u
nadležnosti tužiteljskih ureda diljem zemlje. |
The national police force, estimated to include 25,000 personnel, is
under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The force is
located in cities and settlements throughout the country, with garrisons
in Ashgabat, Gyzylarbat, and Dashhowuz. Police departments do not have
an investigative function in Turkmenistan; that role is filled by the
procurator's offices in Ashgabat and other cities (see Criminal Justice,
this ch.). The police role is confined to routine maintenance of public
order and to certain administrative tasks such as controlling the
internal passport regime, issuing visas for foreign travel, and
registering foreign guests. At the national level, the primary security
concerns are prevention of trafficking in drugs and other illegal
commodities, and combatting organized and international crime.