Solomonskim otocima se od 1998. do 2003. godine odvijao teški etnički
konflikt, kada je intervencijom Australije i ostalih pacifičkih zemalja
u zemlji uveden mir i red. Službeni naziv policije je Kraljevska
policija Salamonskih otoka (Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIP)) i njome
upravlja Komesar, odgovoran ministru policije. Uz oko 1.050 pripadnika
policije još uvijek radi i oko 250 pripadnika RAMSI-a, koji služe ne
samo kao policajci već pomažu i logostički i financijski. U zemlji
postoje 43 policijske stanice. Uz Nacionalnu policiju postoji i bar
jedna lokalna, ona u glavnom gradu Honoria (Honoria City Constabulary).
Policija je bila puno uspješnija pod direktnom upravom RAMSI-a i još su
„slabi“ u istragama i pisanjima izvještaja. U policiji postoji služba
za nadzor policijske discipline i efikasnosti. |
The Solomon Islands have known a heavy ethnic conflict between 1998 and
2003, in which Australia and other Pacific countries eventually
intervened to restore peace and order. The nation has no standing army,
however there is a national police force, the Royal Solomon Islands
Police Force (RSIPF), and at least one local constabulary, in Honoria,
the capital. A commissioner who reports to the minister of police heads
the Royal Solomon Islands Police (RSIP) force of approximately 1,050
members. This force is supported by 250 RAMSI officers, who serve in
line positions and in logistical and finance support. There were 43
police stations open throughout the country. While the police were more
effective under RAMSI, the RSIP continued to be weak in investigation
and reporting. The police service has an inspection unit to monitor
police discipline and performance. |