Kraljevski pozornici Papue Nove Gvineje formirani su od dvije policijske
snage koje su postojale prije nezavisnosti Papue Nove Gvineje. Prve su
osnovali australci, krajem 19 vijeka, sa nazivom Kraljevski pozornici
Papue (The Royal Papuan Constabulary), a drugi su Policijske snage Nove
Gvineje nastale ujedinjenjem Njemačke i Britanske Nove Gvineje, takođe
osnovane od Australaca tokom prvog svjetskog rata i potvrđene odlukom
Lige naroda 1920. godine. Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, spajanjem dviju
kolonija, spajaju se i njihove policije. Struktura policije ostaje ista
i nakon što papua Nova Gvinjea 1975. stječe samostalnost. Ime ostaje
isto, jer je 1972. „izbačeno“ ono i u nazvu Kraljevski Pozornici Papue i
Nova Gvineje. |
redarstvenik Papue Nove Gvineje |
The RPNGC was formed from two predecessor bodies that existed prior to
the independence of Papua New Guinea. The Royal Papuan Constabulary,
initially established by the Australian colonial administration as part
of setting up Papua in the late 19th century, and the New Guinea Police
Force which covered the former German New Guinea and British New Guinea
also set up by Australia, initially during World War I and formalized as
part of the League of Nations mandate of 1920. The two colonial
territories were gradually amalgamated during and after World War II
leading to the merger of the two forces. The structure was retained
after Papua New Guinea gained independence in 1975, although the name
shifted from Royal Papua and New Guinea Constabulary to the present name
with the removal of the "and" in 1972. |