Provođenjem zakona u Pakistanu se bavi nekoliko federalnih i
provincijskih policijskih agencija. Regionalne agencije (četiri
provnicijske plus ona glavnog grada Islamabada) imaju ovlasti samo
unutar granica svoje provincije. Federalnih agencija ima više, a među
njima valja istaći Saveznu istražnu agenciju, Nacionalnu prometnu
policiju, Pakistanske rendžere i Granični korpus. Osim uobičajenih
policijskih poslova (istraga, privođenja itd) policajci izvršavaju i
naredbe sudova (uručenja poziva i slično). |
Law enforcement in Pakistan is carried out by several federal and
provincial police agencies. The four provinces and the Islamabad Capital
Territory each have a civilian police force with jurisdiction extending
only to the relevant province or territory. At the federal level, there
are a number of civilian agencies with nationwide jurisdictions (like
Federal Investigation Agency,National Highwaya and Motroway Police, and
several paramilitary forces including the Pakistan Rangers and the
Frontier Corps). Each regional police service has a jurisdiction
extending only to the relevant province or territory. Apart from
investigating crime scenes, criminal acts, suspected unlawful
activities, and detention of suspected criminals pending judicial
action, the law enforcement agencies (primarily police) also perform
duties that include the service and enforcement of warrants, writs, and
other orders of the courts. |