Provođenjem zakona u Nigeru je u rukama Vojnih snaga preko Žandarmerije
(Gendarmerie Nationale Nigérienne) te Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova
koje pod svojom upravom ima snage Nacionalne policije (Police nationale)
te Nacionalne snage za intervencije i sigurnost (specijalci). I ako su,
stvaranjem Pete Republike 1999. godine, stanje ljudskih prava i
efikasnost policije bolji zapadni promatrači još uvijek smatraju
policijske snage Nigera neefikasne i ponekad korumpirane. Nacionalna
policija, koja je prije bila pod upravom Oružanih snaga, a sada
Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova zadužena je za provođenje reda i zakona
u urbanim sredinama, zaštitu državnih institucija, zgrada a kroz
specijalizirane agencije brinu i za zaštitu visokih državnih službenika. |
Law enforcement in Niger is the responsibility of the Military of Niger
though the Gendarmerie Nationale and the Ministry of the Interior
through the National Police and the
National Forces for
Intervention and Security (FNIS), a
Paramilitary police force. While both Human Rights and effectiveness of
Law Enforcement has improved since the 1999 creation of the Fifth
Republic, western monitors generally regard Nigerien law enforcement and
ineffective and at times corrupt. The National police was previously
under the control of the Armed Forces, but following the Constitution of
1999, come under the control of the Ministry of Interior. They are
responsible for security and law enforcement in urban areas, and the
protection of government buildings, institutions, and through special
agencies, the security of government leaders. |