Oružane snage Mauritanije su odbrambene snage Islamske Republike
Mauritanije i sastoje se od Kopnene vojske, Mornarice (Marine
Mauritanienne), Avio grupe Islamske Republike Mauritanije (Groupement
Aerienne Islamique de Mauritanie, GAIM), Žandarmerije (Minstarstvo
odbrane), Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova i decentralizacije, Nacionalne
garde i Grupe za cestovnu sigurnost. Oružane snage imaju otprilike
16.000 aktivnih pripadnika (15.000 Kov, 700 Mornarica i 300 Avijacija)
te otprilike 3000 žandara i 2000 pripadnika Nacionalne garde. |
Žandarmerija je odgovorna za vršenje policijskih dužnosti u okolini zona
metropola te ruralnim djelovima zemlje. Nacionalna garda ima ograničene
policijske ovlasti i vrši osiguranja državnih institucija, uključujući i
zatvore. Grupa za cestovnu sigurnost brine o sigurnosti na cestama te
održava kontrolne punktove u cijeloj zemlji. |
The Armed Forces of Mauritania is the defence force of the Islamic
Republic of Mauritania, having an Army, Mauritanian Navy (Marine
Mauritanienne), Islamic Republic of Mauritania Air Group (Groupement
Aerienne Islamique de Mauritanie, GAIM); Gendarmerie (Ministry of
Defense); Ministry of Interior and Decentralization: National Guard,
General Group for Road Safety (2021). The Mauritanian Armed Forces have
approximately 16,000 active personnel (15,000 Army; 700 Navy; 300 Air
Force); est. 3,000 Gendarmerie; est. 2,000 National Guard (2021).
The Gendarmerie is responsible for maintaining civil order around
metropolitan areas and providing law enforcement services in rural
areas; the National Guard performs a limited police function in keeping
with its peacetime role of providing security at government facilities,
to include prisons; the General Group for Road Safety maintains security
on roads and operates checkpoints throughout the country. |
Mauritania je dio antidžihadističke koalicije, nazvane Sahel grupa G5,
osnovane 2014. godine sa Burkinom Faso, Čadom, Malijem i Nigerom, gdje
Mauritanija učestvuje sa 550 vojnika i 100 žandara. Godine 2020. šefovi
genarlšabova G5 Sahel grupe dogovaraju dozvole da snage država članica
mogu u potjeri za džihadistima ući do 100 kilometara u teritoriju
zemalja članica. Podršku trupama G5 pružaju UN, US i Francuska, sa kojom
povremeno članice G5 djeluju u zajedničkim akcijama sa francuskim
jedinicama raspoređenim u Sahelu u Operaciji Barkhane. |
Mauritania is part of a five-nation anti-jihadist task force known as
the G5 Sahel Group, set up in 2014 with Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, and
Niger; it has committed 550 troops and 100 gendarmes to the force; in
early 2020, G5 Sahel military chiefs of staff agreed to allow defense
forces from each of the states to pursue terrorist fighters up to 100 km
into neighboring countries; the G5 force is backed by the UN, US, and
France; G5 troops periodically conduct joint operations with French
forces deployed to the Sahel under Operation Barkhane |