Malavijska policijska služba djeluje (The Malawi Police Service MPS) pod
upravom Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova i javne sigurnosti. MPS se bavi
prevencijom, istragama i otkrivanjem kriminalnih djela, privođenjem i
ispitivanjem prekršitelja, održavanjem reda i zakona, zaštitom imovine i
života. Malavijska policijska služba je podijeljena na slijedeće odjele:
temeljnu policiju, kriminalističke istrage, Odnosi s javnošću, Prometni
odjel, Mobilne polcijske službe, Odjel tužiteljstva, Administrativna
služba, Pomorski odjel te odjel HIV-a i AIDS-a. Sve ove službe nadgleda
Generalni policijski inspektor. Počeci ovih snaga sežu u 1921 godinu
kada su 05. 10. osnivanjem policije Nyasalanda u Zombi. Istovremeno su
osnovane stanice u Zombi, Blantyru, Mulanju i Mangochiju. U Zombi je
osnovana i policijska akademija. |
The Malawi Police Service (MPS) is a Malawi Government organ currently
under Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Security. MPS mandate is: prevention, investigation and detection of crime;
apprehension and prosecution of offenders; maintenance of law and order;
protection of property, life, fundamental freedoms and rights of
individuals and enforcement of all laws and regulations under which they
are directly charged. The Malawi Police Service divided its focus into
falowing branches: Community Policing Services Branch,
Criminal Investigations Department, Traffic Department,
Police Mobile Services, The Prosecutions and Legal department, Press and
Public Relations, Administration Branch, Marine Department and HIV and
AIDS Department. The Malawi Police force is overseen by an Inspector
General of Police. MPS started as the Nyasaland Police Force on 5
October 1921 in Zomba. Police stations were established in Zomba,
Blantyre, Mulanje and Mangochi. A Police college was established in
Zomba. |