Lëtzebuerger Arméi, Luksemburška vojska nema mornarice niti zračnih
snaga (i ako imaju avion!). Vojska Luxembourga je sastavni dio Javnih
snaga koje čine još i Policija i Žandarmerija (koja je 2000. godine
spojena s Policijom). Vojska se popunjava na dobrovoljnoj osnovi. Ima
450 profesionalnih vojnika, 340 ljudi koji dobrovoljno služe vojni rok
te 100 civila. Za njih se odvaja 369 miliona $ ili 0,9% nacionalnog
bruto dohotka. Oficiri se školuju u Francuskoj na vojnoj akademiji
St Cyr i Ecole Militaire Interarmes (EMIA). |
Oznaka za kape |
The Luxembourg Army (Lëtzebuerger Arméi) has no Navy or Air
Force, although it does have aircraft. The Luxembourg Army was
integrated into the Force Publique (Public Force) which included the
Gendarmerie and the Police. The Gendarmerie was merged into the Grand
Ducal Police in 2000. The army has been an all-volunteer force since
1967. It has a current strength of approximately 450 professional
soldiers, 340 enlisted recruits and 100 civilians, and a total budget of
$369 million, or 0.9% of GDP.
The officers from the Luxembourg army are
trained at the St Cyr military academy and the Ecole Militaire
Interarmes (EMIA) in France. |
Oznaka oružanih snaga |
za međunarodne misije |
za međunarodne misije |
Army staff patch
until 1967, than Army command and later general badge for the army.
1967. je to bio znak za štabno osoblje, poslije za komandno i napokon
je postala oznaka za redovnu vojsku. |
Belgijsko-Luksemburško-Rumunski bat |
Vojska je pod civilnim nadzorom. Vrhovni zapovjednik je sam Veliki
Vojvoda. Na čelu vojske je profesionalni vojnik Šef odbrane koji
odgovara ministru odbrane. ovo se ministratvo nalazi u sastavu
Ministarstva vanjskih poslova i imigracije. Veliki vojvoda i Komandndant
odbrane su jedini generali. Tu su i dva pukovnika, zamjenik šefa odbrane
i zapovejdnik Vojnog obučnog centra. Po završetku Hladnog rata, se
više ne priprema za borbu protiv Sovjeta i Njemaca već se aktivno
uključuje u mirovne misije UN-a i NATO-a. Tako u nekoliko navrata
učestvuju u NATO misijama IFOR, SFOR te KFOR u bivšoj Jugoslaviji te
Ruandi i Iraku. Trenutno učestvuju u NATO misiji u Afganistanu. Uzimali
su učešća i u humanitarnim misijama, kao što je bila ona podizanja
izbjegličkih kampova za Kurde te slanju hitne pomoći u Albaniju. |
The army is under civilian control. The Comander-in-Chief is the Grand
Duke. The professional head of the army is the Chief of Defence who
answers to the civil Minister of Difence in the civilian government in
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration. The Grand Duke and the
Chief of Defence are the only generals, with colonels as Deputy Chief of
Defence and head of the Military Trainning Centre. When the Cold War
ended in 1989 the Lëtzebuerger Arméi no longer training to fight the
Soviets or the Germans, they have been active in peacekeeping over the
past two decades. They have participated in dozens of NATO IFOR, SFOR,
and KFOR missions to the former Yugoslavia, as well as Rwanda and Iraq.
It currently participates in the NATO ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The
army also has participated in humanitarian relief missions such as
setting up refugee camps for Kurds and providing emergency supplies to
Albania. |
Operacija Artemis, formalno Snage EU u Demokratskoj Republici Kongo
(EUFOR), bila je kratkoročna vojna misija pod vodstvom EU-a i
odobrena od strane UN-a u DR Kongu tijekom sukoba u Ituri. Dana 30.
05. 2003. Vijeće sigurnosti UN-a donijelo je Rezoluciju 1484 kojom
se odobrava upućivanje Privremenih multinacionalnih snaga za hitne
slučajeve (IMEF) u Buniu sa zadaćom osiguranja zračne luke, zaštite
interno raseljenih osoba u kampovima i civila u gradu. Vojne snage
bile su iz Belgije, Brazila, Kanade, Francuske, Grčke, Južne Afrike,
Švedske i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Osoblje u sjedištu dolazi iz
Austrije, Cipra, Mađarske, Irske, Italije, Luksemburga, Nizozemske,
Portugala, Španjolske i Njemačke. |
Operacija Artemis pokrenuta je 12. 06. i u sljedeća tri tjedna
dovršeno je raspoređivanje snaga. Snage su bile uspješne u
stabilizaciji situacije u Buniji i jačanju prisutnosti UN-a u DR
Kongu. 01. 09. 2003. odgovornost za sigurnost regije predana je
misiji MONUC. Operacija Artemis bila je misija pod vodstvom EU-a s
Francuskom kao "vodećom nacijom" koja je osigurala većinu osoblja
(900 od 1400 vojnika) i nadopunjena doprinosima zemalja EU-a i
zemalja izvan EU-a. Snage su imale podršku francuskih zrakoplova
baziranih na aerodromima N'Djamena i Entebbe. Dodana je i mala grupa
švedskih specijalnih snaga (SSG - Särskilda skyddsgruppen) i FJS IK,
pri čemu je potonja elitna posebno obučena četa iz švedske škole
padobranaca. |
Operation Artemis, formally European Union Force Democratic Republic
of the Congo (EUFOR), was a short-term EU-led UN-authorised military
mission to the DR Congo during the Ituri conflict. On 30 May 2003,
the UN Security Council adopted the Resolution 1484 authorising the
deployment of an Interim Multinational Emergency Force (IMEF) to
Bunia with a task to secure the airport, protect internally
displaced persons in camps and the civilians in the town. Military
forces were from Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Greece, South
Africa, Sweden and United Kingdom. Headquarters staff comes from
Austria, Cyprus, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain and Germany. |
Operation Artemis was launched on 12 June and the IMEF completed its
deployment in the following three weeks. The force was successful in
stabilizing the situation in Bunia and enforcing the UN presence in
the DRC. On 1 September 2003, responsibility for the security of the
region was handed over to the MONUC mission. Operation Artemis was
an EU-led mission with France as the "Lead nation" providing the
bulk of the personnel (900 of the 1400 troops) and complemented by
contributions from both EU and non-EU nations. The force was
supported by French aircraft based at N’Djamena and Entebbe
airfields. A small Swedish Special Forces group (SSG -
Särskilda skyddsgruppen) and FJS IK, the latter being an elite
specially trained company from the Swedish Parachute Ranger School
was also added. |
Mali (European Union Training Mission in Mali) je multinacionalna misija
za vojnu obuku Europske unije sa sjedištem u Bamaku, Mali. 22 članice EU
(Austrija, Belgija, Bugarska, Češka, Estonija, Finska, Francuska,
Njemačka, Grčka, Mađarska, Irska, Italija, Latvija, Litva, Luksemburg,
Nizozemska, Portugal, Rumunjska, Slovačka, Slovenija, Španjolska,
Švedska) i 3 zemlje koje nisu članice EU (nisu članice EU: Gruzija,
Moldavija, Crna Gora) angažirane su u ovoj misiji i poslale su vojnike u
Republiku Mali. |
Oznaka za rukav |
EUTM Mali (European Union Training Mission in Mali) is a European Union
multinational military training mission headquartered in Bamako, Mali.
22 EU members (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden) and 3 non-EU countries (not members of the EU:
Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro) are engaged in this mission and have sent
soldiers to the Republic of Mali. |
Borbene grupe Evropske Unije (European Union Battlegroup EUBG) su vojne
jedinice sastavljene u skladu sa programon Zajedničke sigurnosne i
obrambene politike (Common Security and Defence Policy CSDP) Evropske
Unije. Zasnovane na doprinosima zemalja članica, svaka od 18 borbenih
grupa sastoji se od formacije veličine bataljona (najmanje 1500 vojnika)
ojačanih elementima borbene podrške. Grupe se redovno rotiraju pa su
tako po dvije aktivne u svakom momentu. Ove snage su pod direktnom
kontrolom Vijeća Evropske Unije (Council of the European Union). Svoju
punu borbenu pripremljenost su postigle 01. 01. 2007. godine, ali do
danas nisu učestvovale u borbenim akcijama. Grupe bi trebale biti
raspoređene u zone borbenog djelovanja za 5-10 dana i trebale bi biti
sposobne samostalno djelovati do 30 dana, a nakon dodatnog snadbijevanja
do 120 dana. Ove se grupe smatraju najmanjom samodovoljnom vojnom
jedinicom sposobnom za djelovanje u zoni operacija. |
PATCH (camo uniform) |
oznaka za maskirnu uniformu |
borbene podrške |
An EU Battlegroup (EUBG) is a military unit adhering to the Common
Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) of the European Union (EU). Often
based on contributions from a coalition of member states, each of the
eighteen Battlegroups consists of a battalion-sized force (1,500 troops)
reinforced with combat support elements. The groups rotate actively, so
that two are ready for deployment at all times. The forces are under the
direct control of the Council of the European Union. The Battlegroups
reached full operational capacity on 1 January 2007, although, as of
January 2013 they are yet to see any military action. The groups are
intended to be deployed on the ground within 5–10 days of approval from
the Council. It must be sustainable for at least 30 days, which could be
extended to 120 days, if resupplied. A Battlegroup is considered to be
the smallest self-sufficient military unit that can be deployed and
sustained in a theatre of operation. |