Nacionalne obrambene južnoafričke snage u sadašnjem obliku postoje Od 1994. godine, nakon post-aparhejd izbora i donošenja novog Ustava. Zamijenile su Južnoafričke obrambene snage (SADF) čiji su pripadnici uključeni u novu vojsku sastavljenu još od pripadnika bivših regionalnih vojski (u aparthejdu Homelands), raznih pobunjeničkih snaga kao što su bili Umkhonto we Sizwe Afričkog Nacionalnog kongresa, pripadnika Sveafričkog Kongresa te Jedinica za obranu Zulu Inkatha oslobodilačke stranke. 2004. godina se smatra godinom završetka inkorporiranja svih ovih snaga koje zadržavaju organizacijsku strukturu stare vojske.


      The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) is the name of the armed forces of South Africa. The military as it exists today was created in 1994, following South Africa's first post-apartheid national elections and the adoption of a new constitution. It replaced the South African Defence Force (SADF), and included personnel and equipment from the SADF and the former homelands forces, as well as personnel from the former guerrilla forces of some of the political parties involved in South Africa, such as the African National Congress's Umkhonto we Sizwe, the Pan Africanist Congress's APLA and the Self-Protection Units of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP). As of 2004, the integration process was considered complete, with the integrated personnel having been incorporated into a slightly modified structure very similar to that of the SADF, with the latter's structure and equipment for the most part being retained.




      Južnoafrički pješadijski korpus je najveći borbeni korpus Južnoafričke vojske. proistječe iz Obrambenih snaga Unije osnovanih 1913. godine. 1915. obrambene snage formiraju Prekomorske južnoafričke ekspedicione snage koje služe izvan granica zemlje. Te su snage uključivale i pješadiju i to dvanaest bataljona te Cape korpus, sastavljen od dva bataljona Obojenih dobrovoljaca. Te su jedinice raspuštene 1919. Korpus se brojčano pojačava 1934. kada se konjičke jedinice pretvaraju u pješadijske. 1943. se pješadija prebacuje u novoforirani SAAC - Južnoafrički oklopni korpus koji se po svršetku Drugog svjetskog rata dijeli na dvije grane: oklopnu i pješadijsku. 1954. pješadija i Južnoafrički instruktorski korpus formiraju SAI (South African Infantry Corps) Južnoafrički pješadijski korpus.

COLLAR BADGE used as beret badge too 3rd INFANTRY BRIGADE  
Oznaka za revere (i beretke) 3. pješadijska brigada  

      The South African Infantry Corps is the largest combat corps within the South African Army. The corps originated as the Infantry Branch of the Union Defence Forces  1913. In 1915, the defence forces established the South African Overseas Expeditionary Force for war service outside Southern Africa. It included the South African Infantry, comprising twelve battalions, and the Cape Corps, comprising two battalions of Coloured volunteers. These units were disbanded in 1919. The Infantry Branch was enlarged in 1934, and the mounted rifles regiments were converted to infantry. In 1943, the Infantry Branch was incorporated into the new South African Armoured Corps, which was divided into armour and infantry branches after World War II. In 1954, the SAAC's infantry branch, and the personnel of the South African Instructional Corps, were formed into the South African Infantry Corps.




      Garda Princa Alfreda je rezervna pješadijska regimenta Vojske JAR. Kao takva ima status sličan onom koji imaju, npr. Britanska teritorijalna vojska ili jedinice Nacionalne Garde u SAD-u. Sjedište regimente je u Port Elizabethu.

      Prince Alfred's Guard (PAG) is an infantry regiment of the South African Army. As a reserve unit, it has a status roughly equivalent to that of a British Territorial Army or United States Army National Guard unit. The Regiment is located in the city of Port Elizabeth.

COLLAR BADGE  Oznaka za revere    

      Jedinica je osnovana 19. 09. 1856. kao Korpus dobrovoljačkih strijelaca Porth Elizabetha. 1860. se neslužbeno prozivaju Garda Princa Alfreda, po Princu Alfredu, Vojvodi od Edinburgha, a 11. 06. 1874. i službeno postaju Dobrovoljačka Garda Princa Alfreda. Prve borbene akcije imaju 1877. (protiv plemena Gcaleka znane kao Borba u Umzintzani. 1913. ih preimenuju u 3. pješ. regimentu i tek 1934. ponovo zadobivaju svoje staro/novo ime. U 2.SR prvo služe u Sjevernoj Africi kao dio 2 brigade, a kasnije se pretvaraju u oklopnu jedinicu i aktivno učestvuju u borbama u Italiji, kao tenkisti, u sastavu 11. južnoafričke (JA) brigade, 6. JA oklopnog korpusa. Poslije 2.SR učestvuju u sukobima u takozvanom "Graničnom ratu" protiv pobunjenika i susjeda.


      Prince Alfred's Guard was established on 19. September 1856 as the Port Elizabeth Volunteer Rifle Corps. In 1860 the title Prince Alfred's Guard was assumed unofficially (after Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh) and on 11 July 1874 this name was officially sanctioned as Prince Alfred's Volunteer Guard. The name was later changed to Prince Alfred's Guard. The Regiment first saw action in 1877, against the Gcaleka tribesmen in the Battle of Umzintzani during the Ninth Frontier War. In 1913 the regiment was redesignated the 3rd Infantry Regiment (Prince Alfred's Guard) of the Active Citizen Force of the Union Defence Force, but regained its former name in 1934. During WWII, the regiment first served as link battalion for the 2nd Brigade in North Africa. The PAG was subsequently converted to an armoured unit and saw further active service with the 11th South African Armoured Brigade, South African 6th Armoured Division in Italy as a tank unit. The PAG also took part in the many skirmishes making up South Africa's "Border War" during the post-war period.



Oznaka za kape Oznaka za revere  


Prsna oznaka Oznaka za revere  


Letač mehaničar    







      Prva južnoafrička jedinica specijalnih snaga, 1. Izviđačka četa (1st Reconnaissance Commando) je osnovana u gradu Oudthshoorn, u Cape provinciji, 01. 10. 1972. godine. Od 01. 01. 1975-te jedinica se seli u Durban, provincija Natal, gdje nastavljaju svoje aktivnosti kao padobranske snage specijalnih jedinica.

      The first South African Special Forces unit, 1 Reconnaissance Commando, was established in the town of Oudthshoorn, Cape Province on 1 October 1972. On 1 January 1975, this unit was relocated to Durban, Natal, where it continued its activities as the airborne specialist unit of the special forces.


      Oznaka jedinice su bila tri komandoska noža iznad ruže komapasa. Škola Specijalnih snaga je takođe bila smještena sa 1. Izviđačkom regimentom / 1. Regimentom specijalnih snaga. 1. Regimenta specijalnih snaga je ukinuta 1997. godine kao dio procesa racionalizacije i smanjivanja. Njeno je osoblje bilo prebačeno u 4. i 5. Regimentu specijalnih snaga. I Škola specijalnih snaga je bila prebačena u 5. Regimentu, ali je nedavno uspostavljena kao samostalna jedinica Specijalnih snaga. Moto jedinice je "Naša snaga je nevidljivost".

      The Unit Emblem was three Commando Knives, above the Compass Rose. Special Forces School was also located at 1 Reconnaissance Regiment / 1 Special Forces Regiment. 1 Special Forces Regiment was retired in 1997 as part of the process of rationalisation and downsizing. Its personnel were incorporated into 4th and 5th Special Forces Regiments. Special Forces School was thereafter moved to 5th Special Forces Regiment, but has recently been established as an independent Special Forces unit. Notto: "Through stealth our strength".




      4. Regimenta specijalnih snaga je stacionirana u Langebaanu, u zaljevu Saldanha na zapadnoj obali sjeverno od Cape Towna. Specijalisti su za pomorske operacije. Osnovani su u Langebaanu 1978.godine. regimenta se sastoji od tri operativne čete (commando) kao i od Amfibijske škole specijalnih snaga te Škole za urbano ratovanje.

      4th Special Forces Regiment is based in Langebaan, Saldanha Bay, on the west coast north of Cape Town. It provides South Africa its seaward Special Forces capability. The unit was established at Langebaan in 1978. The Regiment consists of three operational commandos (companies) as well as a Special Forces Amphibious and Urban School.





      Amblem jedinice se sastoji od vikinškog šljema iznad kompasove ruže. Kako je jedinica spcijalizirana za pomorsko ratovanje, vikinška kaciga je izabrana kao simbol njihove pomorske specijalnosti. Moto jedinice je bio "Čelična šaka s mora".

      The Unit Emblem is a Viking Helmet, above the Compass Rose. As this Regiment specialises in a Seaborne capability, the Viking helmet alludes to the units proficiency in this element. Unit motto is: "Iron fist from the sea".



      5. Regimente specijalnih snaga je smještena u Phalaborwa-u, na istoku sjeverno provincije Limpopo, a osnovana je u Durbanu 1976.godine. nakon vremena provedenog u Duku Duku u sjevernoj provinciji  KwaZulu-Natal, jedinica se premješta u sadašnje sjedište 1980. Nakon rekonstrukcije 2002.godine sastoji se od dvije čete (commando) i jedinice za obuku. Specijalnost su im kopnene operacije, posebno duboke infiltracije u neprijateljsku pozadinu, sakupljanje informacija i padobranske operacije.

      5th Special Forces Regiment is based in Phalaborwa in the east of the northern Limpopo Province, and was established in Durban in 1976. After a sojourn at Duku Duku in northern KwaZulu-Natal, the unit moved into its present lines in 1980. Its post-2002 structure provides for two operational commandos and a training wing. It specialises in overland operations, especially long-range infiltration, intelligence gathering and airborne operations.


      Oznaku 5. Izviđačke regimenete / 5. Regimente specijalnih snaga čini padobran sa krilima orla ribara iznad ruže kompasa. Padobran simbolizira samu bit jedinice, dok orlova krila aludiraju na to da su bivši pripadnici Selous izviđača prethodno priključeni ovoj regimenti. Moto jedinice je: "Ne bojimo se nikog osim Boga"

      5 Reconnaissance Regiment / 5 Special Forces Regiment The Unit Emblem is a Parachute within the wings of an Osprey, above the Compass Rose. The parachute alludes to the regiment’s airborne capability. The Osprey Wings allude to the fact that former members of the Selous Scouts were previously incorporated into the Regiment. Motto "We fear naught but God".




      2 Reconnaissance Regiment The Unit Emblem was a Scorpion, within the wings of a Bat, above the Compass Rose. 2 Special Forces Regiment was retired in 1992, as the concept of Citizen Force (Territorial Army) units was discontinued Retired Special Forces Personnel who continue to play a part in Special Forces on a Citizen Force basis now form part of the Special Forces Reserve – which is administered by Special Forces headquarters.




      Ruža kompasa (kompasova ruža) je simbol Južno Afričkih specijalnih snaga. Predstavlja i sposobnost i spremnost pripadnika ovih jedinica za raspoređivanje i djelovanje na bilo kojoj lokaciji, svim raspoloživim metodama, u svakoj situaciji, pod bilo kojim uvjetima, na svakoj vrsti terena, bilogdjee i u bilo koje vrijeme.

      The Compass Rose is the symbol of the South African Special Forces. It denotes both the ability and willingness of the South African Special Forces to Deploy and Operate in any location, by any method, in any situation, under any circumstances, in any terrain, anywhere, at any time.

      Prije perioda racionalizacije boje izviđačkih regimenti su bile bijela i crna. Formalno, to je predstavljalo sposobnost i volju za izvođenje akcija bilo danju (bijelo), bilo noću (crno). Neformalno, među pripadnicima te su boje predstavljale ne rasnu politiku Specijalnih snaga, jer su pripadnici, bijeli i crni, radili i stajali jedni uz druge, na principima jednakosti. Unutrašnjost Ruže komapasa je bila obojena srebrenom bojom.

      The Colours of the Regimental Badges were – during the Pre Rationalisation period - Black and White. Formally, this denoted the ability and willingness of the South African Special Forces to Deploy and Operate during day (white) or night (black). Informally, amongst the personnel of Special Forces, these colours symbolised the non-racial policy of Special Forces, whereby all personnel – black or white – worked and stood united according to principles of equality. The interior of the Compass Rose insignia was coloured Silver.


+ Data from: South African Special Forces Associtaion website


      Operacija Artemis, formalno Snage EU u Demokratskoj Republici Kongo (EUFOR), bila je kratkoročna vojna misija pod vodstvom EU-a i odobrena od strane UN-a u DR Kongu tijekom sukoba u Ituri. Dana 30. 05. 2003. Vijeće sigurnosti UN-a donijelo je Rezoluciju 1484 kojom se odobrava upućivanje Privremenih multinacionalnih snaga za hitne slučajeve (IMEF) u Buniu sa zadaćom osiguranja zračne luke, zaštite interno raseljenih osoba u kampovima i civila u gradu. Vojne snage bile su iz Belgije, Brazila, Kanade, Francuske, Grčke, Južne Afrike, Švedske i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Osoblje u sjedištu dolazi iz Austrije, Cipra, Mađarske, Irske, Italije, Luksemburga, Nizozemske, Portugala, Španjolske i Njemačke.

      Operacija Artemis pokrenuta je 12. 06. i u sljedeća tri tjedna dovršeno je raspoređivanje snaga. Snage su bile uspješne u stabilizaciji situacije u Buniji i jačanju prisutnosti UN-a u DR Kongu. 01. 09. 2003. odgovornost za sigurnost regije predana je misiji MONUC. Operacija Artemis bila je misija pod vodstvom EU-a s Francuskom kao "vodećom nacijom" koja je osigurala većinu osoblja (900 od 1400 vojnika) i nadopunjena doprinosima zemalja EU-a i zemalja izvan EU-a. Snage su imale podršku francuskih zrakoplova baziranih na aerodromima N'Djamena i Entebbe. Dodana je i mala grupa švedskih specijalnih snaga (SSG - Särskilda skyddsgruppen) i FJS IK, pri čemu je potonja elitna posebno obučena četa iz švedske škole padobranaca.


      Operation Artemis, formally European Union Force Democratic Republic of the Congo (EUFOR), was a short-term EU-led UN-authorised military mission to the DR Congo during the Ituri conflict. On 30 May 2003, the UN Security Council adopted the Resolution 1484 authorising the deployment of an Interim Multinational Emergency Force (IMEF) to Bunia with a task to secure the airport, protect internally displaced persons in camps and the civilians in the town. Military forces were from Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Greece, South Africa, Sweden and United Kingdom. Headquarters staff comes from Austria, Cyprus, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Germany.

      Operation Artemis was launched on 12 June and the IMEF completed its deployment in the following three weeks. The force was successful in stabilizing the situation in Bunia and enforcing the UN presence in the DRC. On 1 September 2003, responsibility for the security of the region was handed over to the MONUC mission. Operation Artemis was an EU-led mission with France as the "Lead nation" providing the bulk of the personnel (900 of the 1400 troops) and complemented by contributions from both EU and non-EU nations. The force was supported by French aircraft based at N’Djamena and Entebbe airfields. A small Swedish Special Forces group (SSG - Särskilda skyddsgruppen) and FJS IK, the latter being an elite specially trained company from the Swedish Parachute Ranger School was also added.





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