Osnovni zadaci Indijskih oružanih snaga su održavanje teritorijalne nepovredivosti i odbrana zemlje. Indija ima jaku tradiciju civilne kontrole nad vojskom. Predsjednik Indije je ujedno i vrhovni zapovjednik oružanih snaga, koje su odgovorne Saveznoj vladi, vođenoj Premijerom. Ministarstvo obrane je zaduženo za oružane snage koje su podijeljene u Kopnenu Vojsku, Mornaricu i Avijaciju. Osim njih tu su još i Obalna straža, razne paravojne formacije i Strateška Komanda.

      The Indian Armed Forces is the military of India, charged with preserving territorial security and defence. India has a strong tradition of civilian control of the army. The President of India serves as the supreme commander of the armed forces, which are responsible to the Union Government, headed by the Prime Minister. The Ministry of Defence is the ministry in charge of the armed forces. The Armed Forces have three services: the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force. Auxiliary services include the Indian Coast Guard, the parailitary forces and the Strategic Forces Command.




      Korpus je vojna formacija zadužena za sektor (teren) unutar pojedine Komande. Komanda je uobičajeno stavljena od dva ili više korpusa. Postoje tri vrste korpusa: Udarni, Stajaći i Mješoviti. U sastavu korpusa se nalaze divizije. Komanda korpusa je najveća komanda na terenu.

Cap badge GŠ, New Delhi 5. korpus kopnene vojske

      A Corps is an army field formation responsible for a sector within a Command. There are thre types of Corps in the Indian Army: Strike, Holding & Mixed. A Command generally consists of two or more Corps. A corps has Army Divisions under its command. The Corps HQ is the highest field formation in the army.




      1. korpus je formiran 1947, nakon što je Indija stekla nezavisnost. Otada je aktivan, a naročito se istakao u Indijsko-Pakistanskom ratu 1971. uzimajući učešće u Bitki kod Basantara. Danas je ovo  "Udarni korpus" Indijske Centralne komande, sa sjedištem u Mathuri u državi Uttar Pradesh. Sjedište Centralne komande je u Lucknow-u. Korpus se sastoji od: 23. protuavionske artiljerijske brigade, inžinjerijskih brigada, 4. Pješadijske divizije (GŠ Allahabad), 6. Planinske divizije (Bareilly) i 31. Oklopne divizije.


      I Corps is a military field formation of the Indian Army, created since independence in 1947. It has been active since at least the 1971 war against Pakistan, where it took part in the Battle of Basantar. Today it is a 'Strike Corps' within the Indian Army's Central Command, headquartered at Mathura in Uttar Pradesh. Central Command itself has its headquarters at Lucknow. It consists of: 23rd Artillery Brigade air defence and engineer brigades, 4th Infantry Division (HQ Allahabad), 6th Mountain Division (Bareilly) and 31st Armoured.




      Divizija Kopnene vojske formacijski je ispod korpusa a iznad brigade. To su najjače udarne snage u vojsci i sastoje se od nekoliko brigada. Na čelu divizije je general major. Uobičajeni je sastav divizije oko 15000 pripadnika borbenih jedinica i oko 8000 u pratećim jedinicama. Trenutno u Indijskoj vojsci postoje 34 divizije, među kojima se nalaze i 4 divizije za brze reakcije, 18 pješadijskih, 10 planinskih, tri oklopne i dvije artiljerijske.

      An Army Division is an intermediate between a Corps and a Brigade. It is the largest striking force in the arm. y. Each Division is headed by General Officer Commanding (GOC) in the rank of Major General. It usually consists 15,000 combat troops and 8,000 support elements. Currently, the Indian Army has 34 Divisions including 4 Rapid (Re-organised Army Plains Infantry Divisions) Action Divisions, 18 Infantry Divisions, 10 Mountain Divisions, 3 Armoured Divisions and 2 Artillery Divisions. Each Division composes of several Brigades.




      Indijska 1. oklopna divizija, u sastavu II korpusa (iz Patiale) je dio Zapadne komande. Smatraju je ponosom Indijske armije. Nadimak joj je "Crni slon" ili "Airawat". Dali su značajni doprinos tokom Indijsko-Pakistanskog rata 1965. Tada je u svojem sastavu imala slijedeće brigade: 17. konjičku, Puoona konjicu, 4. Hudson konjica, 16. Crni slon, 7. laka konjička, 2. kraljevski kopljanici te 18. i 62. konjička. Za vrijeme sukoba protiv Pakistana 1971. naročito su se istakli pripadnici A jedinice 16. konjičke ("Crnog slona") u borbama u sektoru Shakargarh. Tu su zaslužili visoka odlikovanja. Od četiri oficira iz te A jedinice trojica kasnije napreduju do čina general-pukovnika. (četvrti nije nastavio vojnu karijeru)


      The Indian 1st Armoured Division is part of  II Corps and is headquartered at Patiala. It is part of the Indian Army's Western Command. It is considered to be the pride of the Indian Army. The 1st Armoured Division played an important role in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. The Division, also nicknamed the 'Black Elephant' or 'Airawat' Division, consisted in 1965 of the 17th Cavalry, The Puoona Horse, the 4th Hodson's Horse, the 16th 'Black Elephant' Cavalry, the 7th Light Cavalry, the 2nd Royal Lancers, the 18th Cavalry and the 62nd Cavalry. During the 1971 war the 16th's two squadrons stayed in defences, while its A Squadron took part in operations in a supporting role of an infantry brigade in Shakargarh sector and was highly decorated. Three out of the four officers of Alfa Squadron went on to become Lieutenant Generals in the Indian Army career while the fourth left the army and settled abroad.




      4. pješadijska divizija je bila u sastavu Britanske Indijske Armije i vodi svoju tradiciju do današnje Indijske vojske. Osnovana je 1939 u Egiptu i bila je prva Indijska formacija koja je upućena van Indije u borbe u Drugom svjetskom ratu. Kao i u svim tadašnjim formacijama Britanske Indijske Vojske komandi kadar su bili Britanci, a sastav su činili Indijci. Međutim, u ovoj je diviziji bilo Indijaca sa činovima kapetana i majora. U 2.SR uzeli su učešća u borbama u Istočnoj Africi (Eritreja i Sudan), Siriji, Sjevernoj Africi i Italiji. Diviziju zovu i "Crveni orao" radi njenog grba crvenog orla na crnoj podlozi. Sada se nalaze pod Centralnom komandom, sa sjedištem u Allahabadu.


      The Indian 4th Infantry Division was an infantry division of the British Indian Army. The lineage of the unit is kept alive through a division of the Indian Army. The division was formed in Egypt in 1939 and was the first Indian formation to go overseas during the Second World War. As with all formations in the Indain Army prior to independence, it primarily had British officers and Indians in other ranks. However, it did include Indian officers with ranks as high as Captain or Major. During WWII, it took part in campaigns in East Africa (Eritrea and Sudan), Syria, North Africa and Italy. The Division, known as Red Eagle due to its badge of a red eagle on a black background, is now a part of the Indian Army. Coming under the Central Command, it is headquartered in Allahabad.




      Ime 6. planinske divizije je dodjeljivano divizijama u sastavu Britanske Indijske vojske tokom Prvog i u Drugog svjetskog rata. Nakon oslobođenja Indije, u sastavu Prvog korpusa postoji 6. planinska divizija sa sjedištem u Bareilly-u. Simbol ove jedinice je žuti krilati konj koji leti iznad bijelog slova M koje simbolizira planinske vrhunce.


      The name Indian 6th Infantry Division was given to British Indian Army divisions formed during World War I and World War II. Today there is a 6th Mountain Division within the post-independence I Corps of the Indian Army at Bareilly.




      I Deseta pješadijska divizija je formiran tokom Drugog svjetskog rata. Za četiri ratne godine divizija je prošla preko 4000 milja (6400 kilometara) od Teherana do Trsta. Za to je vrijeme učestvovala u nekoliko manjih ratova: Anglo-Irački rat, invazija Sirije i Libanona,Anglo-Sovjetska invazija na Iran i učestvovala u dvije velike ratne operacije: Sjevernoafrička kampanja i borbama u Italiji. Simbol su joj dvije bijele ukrštene sablje na crnoj podlozi.


      The Indian 10th Infantry Division was a war formed Indian division during the Second World War. In four years, the division traveled over 4,000 miles (6,400 km) from Teheran to Trieste, fought three little wars, and fought two great campaigns: Anglo-Iraqi War, Invason of Syria-Lebanon, Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran, North African Campaign, and Italian Campaign.




      19. pješadijska divizija, osnovana tokom Drugog svjetskog rata aktivno sudjeluje u završnim operacijama u Burmi. Formirana je u Secunderabadu u Indiji 1941. godine od 62., 63. i 64. Indijske brigade. Do kraja 1942 se izmijenilo nekoliko komandanata, sve dok nije postavljen  General major Thomas Wynford Rees. Divizija, kao dio XXXIII korpusa odigrava snažnu ulogu u osvajanju Mandalaya. Prebačena u IV Indijski korpus osigurava 14. britanskoj armiji  komunikacijske linije i vrši ofanzivu prema Mawchi. Diviziju često nazivaju i "Bodež divizija", radi njenog znaka, uzdignute žute ruke s bodežom na crnoj podlozi.


      The Indian 19th Infantry Division was raised during World War II, and played a prominent part in the final part of the Burma Campaigh. It was raised in Secunderabad in India in 1941. It originally consisted of the 62nd, 63rd and 64th Indian Infantry Brigades. The division remained under temporary commanders until late 1942 when Major General Thomas Wynford Rees was appointed to command. As part of Indian XXXIII, it played the major role in the capture of Mandalay. Transferred to Indian IV Corps, it guarded the British Fourteenth Army's's line of communication and mounted an offensive towards Mawchi, in the Shan States. The division was occasionally referred to as the "Dagger Division", from its divisional sign, which was a hand thrusting a dagger overhand, in yellow on a red background.



3. pješadijska divizija 23. pješadijska divizija 25. pješadijska divizija
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