Vojska Gvatemale se sastoji od Nacionalne kopnene vojske (Ejercito
Nacional de Guatemala, ENG), Mornarice Gvatemale koja uključuje i
marince (Marina de la Defensa Nacional) i Zračnih snaga (Fuerza Aerea
Guatemalteca, FAG). 2004. godine se provodi velika reorganizacija vojske
koja sa 28.000 pripadnika smanjuje broj na 15.500. U toj reorganizaciji
mornarica i avijacija ostaju svaka bez 1000 pripadnika. U istoj se
reorganizaciji neke od 19 vojnih zona sa tri strateške brigade spajaju
te se tako smanjuje broj zona. Proces se nastavlja. Avijacija ima tri
baze, a mornarica dvije. |
The Military of Guatemala consists of National Army of Guatemala
(Ejercito Nacional de Guatemala, ENG), the Guatemalan Navy (Marina de la
Defensa Nacional, includes Marines) and the Guatemalan Air Force (Fuerza
Aerea Guatemalteca, FAG). In 2004 the army has gone beyond its
accord-mandated target, and has implemented troop reductions from an
estimated 28,000 to 15,500 troops, including subordinate air force
(1,000) and navy (1,000) elements. As part of the army downsizing, the
operational structure of 19 military zones and three strategic brigades
are being recast as several military zones are eliminated and their area
of operations absorbed by others. The air force operates three air
bases; the navy has two port bases. |