NATO snage za rano upozoravanje i kontrolu u zraku (NAEW&CF) dom su
NATO-ovih 'očiju u nebu', E-3A sustava za upozorenje i kontrolu u
zraku (AWACS), koji igra važnu i jedinstvenu ulogu za Savez štiteći
zračni prostor saveznika njihovu sposobnost zračnog i pomorskog
nadzora. NAEW&CF ima dvije jedinice s operativnim sposobnostima:
NATO komponentu E-3A i bivšu komponentu E-3D Kraljevskog ratnog
zrakoplovstva (RAF) u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu. Dodatno, Centar za
inženjering sustava misije (MSEC), koji pruža inženjerske usluge za
sustave misije zrakoplova E-3A, također je dio tih snaga. Glavni
štab NAEW&CF odgovoran je za pružanje smjernica i za vođenje Snaga i
nadzire politiku Snaga. |
Sjedište NAEW&CF, MSEC i E-3A komponenti nalazi se u NATO zračnoj
bazi Geilenkirchen u Njemačkoj. Komponenta također održava tri
operativne baze u Konyi u Turskoj, Aktionu u Grčkoj, Trapani u
Italiji i lokaciju za napredno djelovanje u Ørlandu u Norveškoj. |
Prsna značka |
The NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Force (NAEW&CF) is home to
NATO’s ‘eyes in the sky’, the E-3A Airborne Warning & Control System
(AWACS), which plays an important and unique role for the Alliance
by protecting Allied airspace with their air and maritime
surveillance capability. The NAEW&CF has two units with operational
capability: The NATO E-3A Component, and the former E-3D Component
of the Royal Air Force (RAF) in the United Kingdom. Additionally,
the Mission Systems Engineering Centre (MSEC), which provides
engineering services for the E-3A aircraft mission systems, is also
part of the NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Force. The NAEW&CF
Headquarters is responsible for providing direction and guidance to
the Force and oversees Force policies. |
The NAEW&CF Headquarters, MSEC, and the E-3A Component are located
on NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen in Germany. The Component also
maintains three forward-operating bases at Konya in Türkiye, Aktion
in Greece, Trapani in Italy, and a forward-operating location at
Ørland in Norway. |
Prsna oznaka - desna strana
grudi |
Prsna oznaka - desna strana
grudi |
Oznaku je osmislilo i izradilo osoblje Komande snaga NAEW-a, a
odobrila su ga i tri glavna zapovjednika NATO-a 1980. Prepoznatljiva
oznaka sastoji se od NATO zvijezde na srebrnom krilu Zračnih snaga,
zlatnog mača te zlatnog i srebrnog trozuba, sve na plavoj pozadini.
NATO zvijezda simbolizira multinacionalno osoblje u Komandi. Krilo
prikazuje dužnosti avio nadzora, komadiranja i kontrole snaga.
Zlatni mač te zlatni i srebrni trozupci predstavljaju (u to vrijeme)
tri glavna komandanta NATO-a: Vrhovnu savezničku komandu za Evropu,
Glavnu komandu za kanal i Vrhovnu savezničku komandu za Atlantik.
Plava pozadina simbolizira nebo, operativni element u kojem služe
snage NAEW&C. |
The crest was designed and originated by the NAEW Force Command
staff and also authorized by the three Major NATO Commanders in
1980. The distinctive insignia is composed of a NATO star on a
silver Air Force wing, a golden sword and a golden and silver
trident, all on a blue background. The NATO star symbolizes the
multinational personnel in the Command. The wing depicts the
Airborne Surveillance and Command and Control duties of the Force. The
golden sword and the golden and silver tridents represent the (at
that time) three major NATO Commanders: Supreme Allied Command
Europe, Commander-in-Chief Channel and Supreme Allied Commander
Atlantic. The blue background symbolizes the sky, the operational
element in which the NAEW&C Force serves. |
Izgradnja komponente E-3A započela je u 01. mj 1980. U 10. mj 1980.
Komponenta je odlukom Odbora za obrambeno planiranje NATO-a (DPC)
dobila status međunarodnog vojnog štaba. Letačke operacije započele
su u početkom 1982. nakon isporuke prvog aviona E-3A. Komponenta je
službeno aktivirana 28. 06. 1982., a punu operativnu sposobnost
postigla je krajem 1988. |
The build-up of the E-3A Component began in January 1980. In October
1980 the Component was granted the status of an international
military headquarters by decision of the NATO Defence Planning
Committee (DPC). Flying operations began in February 1982 after the
delivery of the first E-3A aircraft. The Component was officially
activated on 28 June 1982 and achieved full operational capability
at the end of 1988. |
E-3A komponenta |
E-3A komponenta |
3. eskadrila E-3A komponente |
SLEEVE / Desni rukav |
SLEEVE / Desni rukav |
E-3A komponenta je jedna od dvije operativne jedinice NATO avio
snaga za brzo uzbunjivanje i kontrolu (NATO Airborne Early Warning &
Control Force (NAEW&C Force)). Budući su prva multinacionalna
letačka jedinica imaju jedinstveno mjesto u vojnoj historiji
Alijanse. Misija im je nadzor i borbeeno upravljanje zadažama
određenim od strane zapovjednika snaga NAEW&C u ime SACEUR (Supreme
Allied Commander Europe).
The E-3A Component is one of the two operational units of the NATO
Airborne Early Warning & Control Force (NAEW&C Force). It holds a
unique place in military history because it was the first
multinational flying unit established by the Alliance. Its mission
is to perform all surveillance and battle management tasks ordered
by the NAEW&C Force Commander on behalf of the SACEUR. |
Eskadrila za obuku |
Poziciju zapovjednika E-3A komponente drži osoba u činu brigadnog
generala i to naizmjenično pripadnik Avijacije SAD-a ili Njemačke.
Njihov je zamjenik uvijek pukovnik iz redova nizozemske avijacije.
Strukturu E-3A komponente čine tri winga; Operacije, Logistika i
Podrška, a tu su i isturene operativne baze te jedna isturena
operativna lokacija. Svaki wing (komanda) je pod zapovjedništvom
pukovnika iz neke od zemalja uključenih u NAEW&C program. |
The post of E-3A Component Commander in the rank of brigadier
general is held alternately by the US Air Force and the German Air
Force. The Deputy Commander is always a colonel of the Netherlands
Air Force. The structure of the E-3A Component comprises three
wings: Operations, Logistics and Base Support, as well as the
Forward Operating Bases and one Forward Operating Location. Each
wing is headed by a colonel from a specific nation participating in
the NAEW&C Force program. |
Održavanje E-3A |
Tehnička škola Njemačke
avijacije |
E-3A |
Eskadrile E-3A komponenete čine posade iz 15 zemalja: Belgije, Češke
Republike, Danske, Njemačke, Grčke, Mađarske, Italije, Holandije,
Norveške, Poljske, Portugala, Rumunije, Španjolske, Turske i SAD-a.
Od 1982. godine operiraju iz Glavne baze (main operating base MOB) u
Geilenkirchenu. Isturene baze (Forward operating bases FOBs) su
locirane u Trapaniju (Italija), Aktionu (Grčka) i Konyai u Turskoj. Tu
je i isturena operativna lokacija (Forward operating location FOL) u
Ørlandu u Morveškoj. |
Grčki dio E-3A kompomenete |
The NATO E-3A squadrons are manned by integrated international crews
from 15 nations (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romenia,
Spain, Turkey and the United States). The E-3As have been operating
from the main operating base (MOB) at Geilenkirchen, since February
1982. Forward operating bases (FOBs) are located at Trapani, Italy;
Aktion, Greece; and Konya, Turkey. There is also a Forward operating
location (FOL) at Ørland, Norway. |
Početkom 2004. Vlada Grčke zatražila je pomoć NATO-a u osiguravanju
sigurnosti tokom Olimpijskih i Paraolimpijskih igara koje će se
održati u Ateni od 02. 08 do 30. 09. Dana 24. 06, Sjevernoatlantsko
vijeće ovlastilo je NATO da pruži pomoć, uključujući avion E3A
NATO-ovih avio snaga za rano upozoravanje (NAEWF) i pomorsku podršku
u okviru Task Force Endeavour. |
Doprinos NAEWF-a bio je pod nazivom Operacija „Časne igre“ (Operation
Distinguished Games). Avion iz krila NAEWF-a u Geilenkirchenu u
Njemačkoj bio je odgovoran za nadzor prostora oko i iznad Grčke kako
bi se omogućilo praćenje zračne slike, identificiranje aviona i
pokretanje vojnih aviona za identifikaciju nepoznatih letjelica. E3A
su se javili u NATO-ov centar za kombinirane zračne operacije 7 u
blizini Larisse, Grčka, gdje je osoblje koordiniralo aktivnosti s
grčkim vlastima. Avioni NAEWF-a raspoređeni su 29. 07. na svoju
prednju operativnu lokaciju u Aktionu, Grčka. Operacije su započele
02. 08. i nastavile se tokom razdoblja obiju igara, završivši 29.
09. |
Operacija Časne igre |
Athens 2004 / OI Atena 2004 |
In March 2004, the Government of Greece requested NATO assistance in
providing security during the Olympic and Paralympic Games to be
held in Athens from 2 August to 30 September. On 24 June, the North
Atlantic Council authorized NATO to provide assistance, including
NATO Airborne Early Warning Force (NAEWF) E3A aircraft, and the
maritime support under Task Force Endeavour. |
The NAEWF contribution was under the name Operation DISTINGUISHED GAMES.
The aircraft from the NAEWF wing in Geilenkirchen, Germany would be
responsible for surveying the airspace around and over Greece to allow a
Recognized Air Picture to be developed, identifying aircraft and
scrambling military aircraft to identify unknown aircraft. The E3As
reported to the NATO Combined Air Operations Center 7 near Larissa,
Greece, where staff would coordinate activities with Greek authorities.
NAEWF aircraft deployed on 29 July to their forward operating location
in Aktion, Greece. Operations began on 2 August and continued through
the period of both Games, terminating on 29 September. |