Fiji ima jedinstvenu policiju, s mottom Salus Populi. Jedina lokalna
policija se nalazi na otoku Rabi. Komesar fidžijanske policije do 2006.
godine bio je australski policijski oficir, a od tada je na čelu lokalni
policijski službenik. Komesara imenuje Komisija Ureda za ustav u
suradnji sa ministrom unutrašnjih poslova. Komesar je glavni izvršni i
administrativni šef cijele policije i odgovara samo nadležnom ministru.
Zakone o policiji donosi Parlament. |
Fiji has a unified national police force, the Fiji Police, whose motto
is Salus Populi. The Fijian Commissioner of Police title had been held
by Australian police officer but after the 2006 takeover of the
Government the post has been reserved for a local. The Commissioner is
appointed in accordance with the Constitution of Fiji, chapter 7, part
4, section 111. This official is appointed by the Constitutional
Offices Commission, following consultation with the appropriate
Cabinet Minister. The Commissioner of Police holds executive and
administrative authority over the entire police force, and is
answerable only to the Minister in charge. Parliament may, however,
make laws regulating the police force. Fiji has a single local police
force, on the island of Rabi. |