Oružane snage Cipra su Ciparska nacionalna garda koja se sastoji od kopnenih, pomorskih i zračnih snaga. Služenje vojske je obavezno na Cipru i traje najmanje 25 mjeseci. Svi muški posjetioci Cipra, stariji od 16 godina, čiji je otac ciparskog porjekla moraju za odlazak sa otoka dobtit izlaznu vizu od Ministarstva odbrane. Na Cipru se nalazi i jedna grčka regimenta (ELDYK), ali ona nije u sastavu ciparskih oružanih snaga.







Vojna policija    

      The Military of Cyprus comprises the Cypriot National Guard, a combined arms force with land, naval and air elements. Military service in the Republic of Cyprus is mandatory for males. The minimum obligatory service period is 25 months. All male visitors to the island of military age (16 and over) who have a father of Cypriot extraction are required to obtain an exit visa from a Defence Ministry office. Greece maintains the Hellenic Forces Regiment on Cyprus (ELDYK), but this is not part of the Republic of Cyprus military. 


      Operacija Artemis, formalno Snage EU u Demokratskoj Republici Kongo (EUFOR), bila je kratkoročna vojna misija pod vodstvom EU-a i odobrena od strane UN-a u DR Kongu tijekom sukoba u Ituri. Dana 30. 05. 2003. Vijeće sigurnosti UN-a donijelo je Rezoluciju 1484 kojom se odobrava upućivanje Privremenih multinacionalnih snaga za hitne slučajeve (IMEF) u Buniu sa zadaćom osiguranja zračne luke, zaštite interno raseljenih osoba u kampovima i civila u gradu. Vojne snage bile su iz Belgije, Brazila, Kanade, Francuske, Grčke, Južne Afrike, Švedske i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Osoblje u sjedištu dolazi iz Austrije, Cipra, Mađarske, Irske, Italije, Luksemburga, Nizozemske, Portugala, Španjolske i Njemačke.

      Operacija Artemis pokrenuta je 12. 06. i u sljedeća tri tjedna dovršeno je raspoređivanje snaga. Snage su bile uspješne u stabilizaciji situacije u Buniji i jačanju prisutnosti UN-a u DR Kongu. 01. 09. 2003. odgovornost za sigurnost regije predana je misiji MONUC. Operacija Artemis bila je misija pod vodstvom EU-a s Francuskom kao "vodećom nacijom" koja je osigurala većinu osoblja (900 od 1400 vojnika) i nadopunjena doprinosima zemalja EU-a i zemalja izvan EU-a. Snage su imale podršku francuskih zrakoplova baziranih na aerodromima N'Djamena i Entebbe. Dodana je i mala grupa švedskih specijalnih snaga (SSG - Särskilda skyddsgruppen) i FJS IK, pri čemu je potonja elitna posebno obučena četa iz švedske škole padobranaca.


      Operation Artemis, formally European Union Force Democratic Republic of the Congo (EUFOR), was a short-term EU-led UN-authorised military mission to the DR Congo during the Ituri conflict. On 30 May 2003, the UN Security Council adopted the Resolution 1484 authorising the deployment of an Interim Multinational Emergency Force (IMEF) to Bunia with a task to secure the airport, protect internally displaced persons in camps and the civilians in the town. Military forces were from Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Greece, South Africa, Sweden and United Kingdom. Headquarters staff comes from Austria, Cyprus, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Germany.

      Operation Artemis was launched on 12 June and the IMEF completed its deployment in the following three weeks. The force was successful in stabilizing the situation in Bunia and enforcing the UN presence in the DRC. On 1 September 2003, responsibility for the security of the region was handed over to the MONUC mission. Operation Artemis was an EU-led mission with France as the "Lead nation" providing the bulk of the personnel (900 of the 1400 troops) and complemented by contributions from both EU and non-EU nations. The force was supported by French aircraft based at N’Djamena and Entebbe airfields. A small Swedish Special Forces group (SSG - Särskilda skyddsgruppen) and FJS IK, the latter being an elite specially trained company from the Swedish Parachute Ranger School was also added.



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