Australske obrambene snage (ADF) su vojna organizacija zadužena za
obranu Australije. Sastoji se od Kraljevske Australske Mornarice (RAN),
Australske Kopnene vojske te Kraljevskog Australskog Zrakoplovstva
(RAAF). Početkom 20. vijeka Vlada je uspostavila oružane snage kao tri
odvojene grane, svaka sa svojom (odvojenom) komandom. 1976. godine
dolazi do strateške promjene i osniva se zajenička komanda za sva tri
roda. ADF je tehnološki vrlo napredna vojska, ali je brojčano relativno
mala. Oko 80.000 pripadnika podržanih od Vladinog ureda za obranu i
nekoliko drugih civilinih službi ima 57.994 profesionalana vojnika,
22.072 u aktivnoj rezervi te 22.166 u rezervi jesu najbrojniji u
Oceaniji, ali su ipak brojno manji od ostalih azijskih oružanih snaga.
Australske obrambene snage imaju značajan budžet (u svjetskim
razmjerima), a sposobne su i djelovati na više lokacija izvan Australije
istovremeno (raličite mirovne misije). |
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is the military organisation
responsible for the defence of Australia. It consists of the Royal
Australian Navy (RAN), Australian Army, Royal Australian Air Force
(RAAF) and a number of 'tri-service' units. During the first decades of
the 20th century, the Australian Government established the armed
services as separate organisations. Each service had an independent
chain of command. In 1976, the government made a strategic change and
established the ADF to place the services under a single headquarters.
The ADF is technologically sophisticated but relatively small, has a
strength of just over 80,000 personnel supported by the Department of
Defence and several other civilian agencies. Although the ADF's 57,994
full-time active-duty personnel, 22,072 active reservs and 22,166
standby reserves make it the largest military in Oceania, it is still
smaller than most Asian militaries. Nonetheless, the ADF is supported by
a significant budget by worldwide standards and is able to deploy forces
in multiple locations outside Australia. |