Papinska švicarska garda (zvana još i Švicarska garda, Latinski:
Pontificia Cohors Helvetica or Cohors Pedestris Helvetiorum a Sacra
Custodia Pontificis; Talianski: Guardia Svizzera
Pontificia; Njemački: Päpstliche Schweizergarde;
Francuski: Garde suisse pontificale) je
malobrojna vojna snaga pod upravom Svete Stolice, zadužena za sigurnost
Pape, uključujući i sigurnost Apostolske palače. Švicarska garda služi
de fakto kao Oružane snage Vatikana. Osnovao ih je 1506. godine Papa
Julie II, te su među najstarijim vojnim formacijama koje su i danas u
nepreekinutoj službi. |
Službena uniforma je u plavoj, crvenoj, narandžastoj i žutoj boji i ima
izrazito renesansni izgled. Moderna Garda ima ulogu papskih
tjelohranitelja. Naoružani su tradicionalnim oružjem, kao što je
helebarda, ali i modernim vatrenim oružjem. Nakon pokušaja atentata na
Papu Ivana Pavla II 1981-e, puno je više pozornosti posvećeno i
neceremonijalnim dužnostima, kao i obuci borilačkih vještina i upotrebi
lakog naoružanja. U Gardu se primaju samo švicarski državljani, katolici
između 19 i 30 godina starosti, koji su prošli kompletnu osnovnu obuku u
Švicarskim oružanim snagama. |
The Pontifical Swiss Guard (also Papal Swiss Guard, or just Swiss Guard;
Latin: Pontificia Cohors Helvetica or Cohors Pedestris Helvetiorum a
Sacra Custodia Pontificis; Italian: Guardia Svizzera
Pontificia; German: Päpstliche Schweizergarde;
French: Garde suisse pontificale) is a small
force maintained by the Holy See that is responsible for the safety of
the Pope, including the security of the Apostolic Palace. The Swiss
Guard serves as the de facto militry of Vatican City. Established in
1506 under Pope Julius II, the Pontifical Swiss Guard is among the
olodest military units in continuous operation. |
The dress uniform is of blue, red, orange and yellow with a distinctly
Renaissance appearance. The modern guard has the role of bodyguard of
the Pope. The Swiss Guard is equipped with traditional weapons, such as
the halberd, as well as with modern firearms. Since the assassination
attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981, a much stronger emphasis has been
placed on the guard's non-ceremonial roles, and has seen enhanced
training in unarmed combat and small arms. Recruits to the guards must
be unmarried Swiss Catholic males between 19 and 30 years of age who
have completed basic training with the Swiss Armed Forces. |