moderna policija u Švedskoj je osnovana sredinom 19-tog vijeka i ostala
je pod upravom lokalnih vlasti sve do 1965. godine, kada je
reorganizirana i prebačena na nacionalnu razinu i postala strogo
centralizirana organizacija. Nova reorganizacija je počela 2015. godine.
Organizirani su u sedam policijskih regiona i osam nacionalnih odjela.
Policija je jedna od najvećih nacionalnih agencija u Švedskoj, sa preko
28.500 pripadnika (2014. godine). Da bi osoba postala policajac potrebne
su dvije i pol godine, od čega je šest mjeseci plaćena praksa. Otprilike
oko trećine kadeta su žene, a 2011. godine žene su činile 40% od svih
zaposlenih. |
Nacionalna policija |
Lokalna policija |
Međunarodne misije |
Policijski činovi |
The first modern police force in Sweden was established in the mid-19th
century, and the police remained in effect under local government
control up until 1965, when it was nationalized and became increasingly
centralized, to finally organize under one authority January 1, 2015.
The agency is organized into seven police regions and eight national
departments. It is one of the largest government agencies in Sweden,
with more than 28,500 employees, of which police officers accounted for
approximately 75 percent of the personnel in 2014. It takes two and a
half years to become a police officer in Sweden, including six months of
paid workplace practice. Approximately a third of all police students
are women, and in 2011 women accounted for 40 percent of all employees. |
Švedski nacionalni policijski odbor je centralno administrativno i
nadzorno tijelo cjelokupne policije. Odbor je zadužen i za nadzor
Nacionalnog forenzičkog centra, te za usvajanje novih radnih metoda i
tehnologija. Osim toga, u nadležnosti mu je, pomoću Nacionalne
policijske akademije,obuka i osposobljavanje policajaca. 2005. godine u
policiji je bilo zaposleno 23.940 osoba, od toga 17.073 policajca i
6.867 civila. |
Swedish National Police Board (Rikspolisstyrelsen) is the central
administrative and supervisory authority of the police service. It is also
the supervisory authority of the National Laboratory of Forensic Science.
The NPB is headed by the National Police Commissioner who is appointed by
the government. Among other things, the NPB is responsible for the
development of new work methods and technological support. It is also -
through the National Police Academy - responsible for the training of
police officers.
Swedish police force consists of 23 940 employees (2005). 17 073 police
officers and 6 867 civilian staff. (2005) |