Civilna policija je samo jedna od policijskih službi San Marina. Pod
direktnom kontrolom Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova obavljaju zadatke
vezane uz unutarnju sigurnost, saobraćaj i razne prekršaje. Osim njih
provedbom zakona se bave još i žandarmerija te od Ustava iz 1987. godine
i Nacionalna garda (Guardia di Rocca), koja asistira žandarmeriji. Za
razliku od civilne policije, nadzor nad Žandarmerijom i Nacionalnom
gardom vrši Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova. |
The Civil Police (Italian: Polizia Civile) are
one of the law enforcement organisations of San Marino. The Ministry of
Interior controls the Civil Police, who are responsible for domestic
security, traffic, and civil defense. Law enforcement in San Marino is
divided among the centralized Civil Police which is subject to the
Ministry of Interior, the Corps of Gendarmerie of San Marino, and the
Guardia di Rocca, or National Guard, who have provided assistance to the
Gendarmerie since a Statute of 1987 which redefined their role. Both the
Gendarmerie and National Guard are subordinate to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs. |