Provođenje zakona u Kataru je pod jurisdikcijom Ministartsva unutarnjih
poslova, osnovnog 1970. godine. 2006godine je bilo oko 2500 policijskih
službenika (žena i muškaraca) koji svi prje prijema moraju završiti
policijsku akademiju. Prva policijska agencija je osnovana 1949. godine
kao „Disciplinska policija“, sa sjedištem u Souq Waqif-u. Danas su
policijske snage raspoređene u cijeli niz odjela, da nabrojim samo neke:
Ured za suradnju sa Interpolom, kriminalistička služba, istražni odjeli,
odjel za borbu protiv nedozvoljene trgovine drogom, medicinski odjel,
civilna zaštita, ljudski resursi, prometna služba itd. |
Law enforcement in Qatar comes under the control of the Ministry of
Interior of Qatar, which administers the Police Force of the State of
Qatar. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was created in 1970. Both women
and men are admitted to the Police Force, and they are required to
attend a police academy before being admitted. In 2006, the Police Force
comprised 2,500 individuals. The first police agency in Qatar was formed
in September 1949 as the 'Discipline Police'. It was centered in the
Doha Police Station in Souq Waqif. Its duties involved traffic control
and law enforcement. Now the Police Force consists of a large number of
divisions and departments. Departments which encompass the Police Force
include a National Central Bureau of Interpol, criminal intelligence
departments, investigation and inquest departments, drug abuse control
departments, civil defense departments, human resources departments,
medical departments, and traffic police departments. |