Portorikanska policija (Policía de Puerto Rico),
poznata i kao Uniformirani (La Uniformada) je državna policija Puerto
Rica. Uz njih postoje i lokalne (općinske) policije. Policiju osnova
1837. godine španjolski guverner kako bi zaštitio živote i imovinu
stanovnika ove španjolske kolonije. Nazvani su Guardia Civil de Puerto
Rico (žandarmerija Portorika). 1898. koloniju osvajaju Sjedinjene
Države Amerike i od tada vladaju njome kao teritorijem SAD-a. Oni 1899.
organiziraju policijske snage pod nazivom Otočna policija Portorika
(Insular Police of Porto Rico) i zapovijedao im je oficir američke
vojske. Ove su snage brojale 313 policajaca pod zakletvom. |
skorije vrijeme (2009.) dolazi do reforme policije, koju provodi
zapovjednik José Figueroa Sancha. U svakoj od 13 policijskih zona
postavlja po dva komandanta: jednog zaduženog za operativne poslove, a
drugog za istrage. Ujedno mijenjaju i nazive iz Policijska zona u
Policijska regija. Uz te promjene mijenja se i pristup prema zajednici.
Policajci sve češće patroliraju pješice kroz kvartove, razgovaraju sa
stanovnicima, upoznaju probleme, nešto kao kvartovski policajci u
Hrvatskoj. 2009 godine Državna policija Portorika broji 18.222
policijaca. |
The Puerto Rico Police (Policía de Puerto Rico) -
also known in Puerto Rico as La Uniformada (English: The Uniformed) - is
the state police of Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rico Police traces its
history back to 1837, when Spanish governor created La Guardia Civil de
Puerto Rico to protect the lives and property of Puerto Ricans, who at
the time were Spanish subjects. It provided police services to the
entire island, although many municipalities maintained their own police
force. Since invading and taking possession of Puerto Rico in July 1898
the United States has controlled the island as a US territory. The
Insular Police of Porto Rico was created on February 21, 1899, under the
command of US Marine officer with an authorized strength of 313 sworn
officers. |
In 2009, Police Superintendent José Figueroa Sancha re-organized the
Puerto Rico. Every police zone was changed to have two commanding
officers: one in charge of the field operations, and the other in charge
of investigations. Also, the name was changed from Police Zones to
Police Regions. Also, a new policy of the agency was to get involved in
the community. Officers must get out of their patrol cars and sometimes
patrol on foot in neighborhoods, so they can talk to citizens and
socialize, as well identify the problems that exist in the neighborhood.
The Police is organized into thirteen regions. From 2009, the PRPD has
over 18,222 officers. |