Odbrambene snage Papue Nove Gvineje broje oko 2100 pripadnika i sastoje
se od Kopnene vojske, Odjela za zračne operacije i jedinica za pomorske
operacije. Zadaci ovih oružanih snaga su odbrana nacionalne teritorije
kao i učešće u međunarodnim misijama te rad na izgradnji nacionalnog
identiteta. Za Odbrambene snage se izdvaja 4% nacionalnog bruto dohotka,
a primaju i značajnu materijalnu pomoć te pomoć u obuci od Australije,
Novog Zealanda, Sjedinjenih Država i još nekoliko država. Osnovani su u
prvom mjesecu 1973. godine od djelova Australske kopnene vojske koji su
bili na teritoriji Papue Nove Gvineje prije stjecanja nezavisnosti,
Pacifičke Otočne regimente (Pacific
Islands Regiment). Brojali su 3750 domorodaca i 465 australskih oficira
i vojnika koji su vodili i obučavali ovu jedinicu. |
Papua New Guinea Defence
Force (PNGDF) is a small force numbering
around 2,100 personnel, and consisting of a Land Element, an Air
Operations Element and a Maritime Operations Element. It is a joint
force tasked with defending Papua New Guinea and its territories against
external attack, as well as having secondary functions including
national-building and internal security tasks. Defence accounts for up
to 4% of government expenditure, while also receiving significant
assistance and training support from Australia, New Zealand, the United
States and other nations.The Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) is
originated from the Australian Army land forces of the territory of
Papua New Guinea before independence, forming in January 1973 and having
its antecedents in the Pacific Islands Regiment. At independence it
numbered 3,750 all ranks, while another 465 Australian personnel
augmented the force to assist in training and technical support.