Nauru, otok Južnog Pacifika, veličine osam kvadratnih milja je najmanja
svjetska republika. Od 1888. godine je bio njemački protektorat sve dok
ga u Prvom svjetskom ratu nisu zauzeli Australci. Liga Naroda dodjelila
je zajednički mandat uprave nad otokom Australiji, Ujedinjenom
Kraljevstvu i Novom Zelandu. U Drugom svjetskom ratu Japan okupira otok,
a nakon rata Ujedinjeni Narodi Australiji dodjelju „brigu“ o otoku.
Nakon osamostaljenja 1968-me, pristupaju 1969-te Commonwealthu, a
1999.godine pridružuju se Organizaciji Ujedinjenih Naroda. |
Policijske snage Naurua (The Nauru Police Force) su primarna i jedina
agencija zaodržavanje reda i provođenje zakona. Na Nauruu. Broj
policajaca je oko stotinu, a podupiru ih i dobrovoljni policijski
rezervisti, obučeni za pružanje pomoći u slučaju ozbiljnijih nereda.
Policajci uobičajeno patroliraju nenaoružani, ali Policijske snage
Naurua imaju šezdesetak komada vatrenog oružja. |
Nauru, an eight-square-mile island in the South Pacific, is the world’s
smallest republic. It was a German protectorate from 1888 until
Australian troops seized it during World War I. The League of Nations
granted a joint mandate to Australia, Britain, and New Zealand to govern
the island in 1919. Japan occupied Nauru during World War II, and in
1947, the United Nations designated it as a trust territory under
Australia. Nauru gained independence in 1968, became an associate
Commonwealth member in 1969, and joined the United Nations in 1999. |
The Nauru Police Force is Nauru's primary and only Law Enforcement
agency, it is tasked with preserving peace and enforcing the law within
Nauru. There is a 100-person regular police force under civilian
command, backed by volunteer reservists trained to provide support in
the event of serious unrest. While officers are typically unarmed while
on routine patrol, the Nauruan police force does possess 60 firearms. |