Norveška policijska služba (Politi-og lensmannsetaten) je vodeća
policijska snaga u Norveškoj i nalazi se u sastavu Ministarstva pravde i
policije. Policiju čine 27 regionalnih službi i sedam specijalnih
jedinica sa oko 11000 pripadnika. Regionalni odjeli se sastoje od
policijskih stanica i regionalnih ureda. Svaka policijska stanica ima
rukovoditelja koji odgovara za teritorij pod svojom jurisdikcijom. Za
regionalne službe je nadležan Policijski komesar. Norveško tužilaštvo je
djelomično integrirano u policijski sustav. Istrage vrše policijski
istražitelji i u većini slučajeva policijski tužitelji koji su dio
Državnog tužilaštva određuju da li će slučaj pred sud i ako to bude tako
na sudu obrazlažu tužbu. U svim ozbiljnijim slučajevima posao preuzimaju
javni tužitelji, koji nisu dio policije. |
Policijske oznake |
Činovi |
The Norwegian Police Service (Politi-og
lensmannsetaten) is the official police force in Norway which are run by
the Minister of Justice and Police. The department consists of 27
regional areas and seven national special forces. The department has
about 11,000 employees. The police districts consist of police stations
and district offices. Police stations are led by a chief of police who
is responsible for the geographical district around his precinct. Each
police regional district has its own Police commissioner who is the
leader of that district's police practice. The Norwegian Prosecuting
Authority is partially integrated with the police. The police officers
investigate the crime, and in most cases the police attorneys working in
the Prosecuting Authority in the police decide if they should take the
case to court, and then argue the case. In the most serious cases,
prosecution is handled directly by the Public Prosecutors, who are not
part of the police. |
Norveška policjska akademija (Politihøgskolen; PHS) je smještena u Oslu,
Kongsvingeru, Stavernu i Bodøu. Akademija nudi školovanje policijskim
snagama u Norveškoj, uključujući i trogodišnje „osnovno“ školovanje sa
mogućnošću nastavka do magistarske titule. Svake se godine prima 720
studenata na nivo školovanja do diplome. Za razliku od ostalih koledža,
ovaj je u vlasništvu Ministarstva pravde i policije. |
seže unatrag do prvog organiziranog školovanja policajaca u Oslu,
1889-te, ali je kreirano kao posebna škola tek 1920. Naziv joj je bio
Državna policijska škola i imala je status agencijske škole (etatsskole)
do 1992. godine, kada je organizirana na univerzitetskom nivou. Od
2004-te godine dobijaju puni status univerziteta (høgskole) jer je od
1992-2004. su imali akreditaciju za univerzitetske programe, ali ne i
puni status fakulteta). |
Oznaka za rukav policijske
akademije |
1966. - 1992. |
1. års student ved
Politihøgskolen |
2. års student ved
Politihøgskolen |
3. års student ved
Politihøgskolen |
Pitomac policijska akademije 1.
godina |
Pitomac policijska akademije 2.
godina |
Pitomac policijska akademije 3.
godina |
The Norwegian Police University College (Politihøgskolen; PHS) is a
public university college located in Oslo, Kongsvinger, Stavern and
Bodø. It offers education for the police force of Norway, including a
three-year basic education and a possible expansion with a Master's
degree. 720 students are accepted at the Bachelor level each year. The
university college also conducts research in relevant areas including
law, police science, criminology, psychology and sociology. Unlike other
public colleges, it is owned by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and
the Police. |
The school dates back to the organized education of the police force in
Oslo in 1889, but was created as a separate school in 1920. It was
called The State Police School and had the status of etatsskole (agency
school) until 1992, when it was organized as a university college. The
campus at Mørkved in Bodø supplemented the one at Majorstuen in Oslo in
1997. It received a full accreditation as a university college
(høgskole) in 2004 (from 1992 to 2004, it only had accreditation for its
programmes, not a full institutional accreditation). |