Agencije za provođenje zakona Madagaskara uključuju: Nacionalnu
žandarmeriju (malagaški: Zandarimariam-pirenena), Nacionalne policijske
snage Madagaskara, s 8.100 pripadnika (2006.) koje djeluju u sklopu
Ministarstva obrane. Žandarmeriju nadopunjuje Predsjednička garda.
Civilna policija od 3000 pripadnika pod Ministarstvom unutarnjih poslova
provodi zakone u gradovima. Pod predsjedništvom Didiera Ratsirake
osnovana je Opća uprava za informacije i dokumentaciju, unutarnju i
vanjsku (Direction Générale de l'Information et de la Documentation,
Intérieure et Exterieure—DGIDIE), tajna politička policija. |
The law enforcement agencies of Madagascar include: The Gendarmerie
Nationale (Malagasy: Zandarimariam-pirenena), the National Police force
of Madagascar, with 8,100 staff (in 2006) operating under the Ministry
of Defense. The Gendarmerie is supplemented by a Presidential Security
Regiment. A 3,000-member Civil Police force under the Ministry of
Interior, with a role inpolicing the cities. A General Directorate of
Information and Documentation Internal and External (Direction Générale
de l'Information et de la Documentation, Intérieure et
Exterieure—DGIDIE), a secret political police, was established under the
Presidency of Didier Ratsiraka. |
Zandarimariam-pirenena |
Nadležna nad 90% teritorija i 81% stanovništva, malgaška žandarmerija
obavlja misije administrativne policije, kriminalističke istrage i vojne
policije definirane dekretom br. 63-253 od 19. 05. 1963. o Nacionalnoj
unutarnjoj službi žandarmerije. Također sudjeluje u sigurnosti brojnih
institucija i osjetljivih mjesta. Madagaskarska nacionalna žandarmerija
je pod Ministarstvom oružanih snaga. Od čina žandarskog pripravnika do
čina general-majora, žandarmerija danas broji 12 399 pripadnika od kojih
847 viših oficira, 4175 oficira i 7377 žandara. Od 2012. malgaška
žandarmerija regrutira ženske žandare. Madagaskarska žandarmerija
aktivno sudjeluje u različitim mirovnim operacijama, u nekoliko
operacija, na afričkom kontinentu: MONUC i MONUSCO u Kongu i UNAMID u
Darfuru te MINUSTAH na Haitiju. |
Gendarme Principal
de Classe Exceptionelle |
Zastavnik 1. klase |
Competent on 90% of the
territory and 81% of the population, the Malagasy Gendarmerie exercises
administrative police, criminal investigation and military police
missions defined by the decree n° 63-253 of May 19th,
1963 on the National Gendarmerie Internal Service. It also participates
in the security of numerous sites and sensitive spots. The Malagasy
National Gendarmerie is under the ministry of Armed forces but it is
represented within the State Secretary in charge of the National
Gendarmerie. From the rank of the gendarme trainee to the major
general’s rank, the staff of the National Gendarmerie counts at the
present time 12 399 staffs among whom 847 senior officers, 4175 officers
and 7377 gendarmes. Since 2012, the Malagasy Gendarmerie recruits
feminine gendarmes. The Malagasy Gendarmerie participates actively in
the various operations of preservation of the peace, on several theatres
of operations, as well on the African continent (MONUC and MONUSCO in
Congo and UNAMID in the Darfur) as on other continents (MINUSTAH in
Haiti). |