Nacionalna policija Lihtenštajna je originalno kreirana 1932.godine kao Zaštitni korpus Principata Lihtenštajna (Fürstlich Liechtensteinisches Sicherheitskorps). Danas imaju 120 zaposlenika, od toga 80 policajaca. Nacionalna policija je zadužen za sve poslove vezane uz sigurnost Lihtenštajna i njegovih građana. Glavni su odjeli Prometna policija i Odjel kriminalističkih istraživanja koje podupiru razni odjeli podrške.

      Fürstlich Liechtensteinisches Sicherheitskorps, osnovan 1932.godine (kada su dobili i podršku u vidu rezervne policije), 1937.godine mijenja ime u Nacionalnu policiju (Landespolizei). 1989-te na orginalne zadaće dodaju se nove i proširuje se djelovanje policije (npr. Interpol). Danas policija nije samo odgovorna za sigurnost nego i učestvuje u prevenciji (razne kampanje, razni školski programi itd). Odnedavno je povećan broj osoblja u sferi privrednog kriminala. Graničeći sa Švicarskom na zapadu i Austrijom na istoku, Lihtenštajn je potpisao trilateralni ugovor o suradnji, koji omogućuje prekograničnu suradnju policija ove tri zemlje. Uz to što su članica Interpola, potpisnici su i brojih drugih ugovora.

 SLEEVE PATCH from 1997 SLEEVE PATCH from 1978 till 1997  
Landespolizei Furstentum Liechtenstein Furstentum Liechtenstein Landespolizei  
Oznaka za rukav od 1997. godine Oznaka za rukav od 1978. do 1997. godine  

      Liechtenstein's national police force was originally created in 1932 as the Princely Liechtenstein Security Corps ("Fürstlich Liechtensteinisches Sicherheitskorps"). It today comprises 120 employees, 80 of whom are trained police officers. The national police force is responsible for all matters relating to the safety and security of Liechtenstein and its population. The main departments are the Security and Traffic Division and the Criminal Investigation Division. They are supported by a range of Executive Support Divisions.

      The "Fürstlich Liechtensteinisches Sicherheitskorps", founded in 1932 and supported by "auxiliary police officers" from 1937 onwards, was renamed "Landespolizei" ("National Police") in 1989. Its original areas of responsibility were extended (e.g. INTERPOL) and enlarged. Today, the police are not only responsible for safety and security but also for preventative measures (campaigns, awareness raising in schools, etc.). An increasing number of staff have been assigned in recent years to the area of economic crime. Bordered by Switzerland to its west, and Austria to its east, Liechtenstein maintains a trilateral treaty which enables close cross-border cooperation between the police forces of the three countries; Liechtenstein is also a member of Interpol, and a signatory to a variety of other treaties.


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