Nacionalne oružane snage Latvije (Latvijski: Nacionālie
Bruņotie Spēki (NAF)) su sjedinjene vojne snage Republike
Latvije. Odbrambeni koncept Latvije se temelji na Švedsko-Finskom
modelu, a to su snage za brze reakcije sastavljene od mobilizacijske
baze koncentrirane oko profesionalnog jezgra. Oružane se snage sastoje
od Kopnene vojske (1500 vojnika), Mornarice (552 pripadnika), Avijacija
(300) te 550 profesionalaca na 10.642 pripadnika Nacionalne garde.
Sveukupno ima 5062 profesionalna vojnika. Uz njih u oružanim snagama se
nalazi još i oko 1300 civilnih uposlenika. Od 5052 vojne osobe 1284 su
oficiri, 1945 podoficiri i 1817 profesionalnih vojnika. |
National Armed Forces (Latvian: Nacionālie Bruņotie
Spēki (NAF)) are the unified armed forces of the Republic of
Latvia. Latvia's defense concept is based upon the Swedish-Finish model
of a rapid response force composed of a mobilization base and a small
group of career professionals. The National Armed Forces consists of
Land Forces, Naval Forces, Air Force, National Guard and others. Latvia
has switched to a professional army, the last draft was in 2005. From
January 1, 2007, the Latvian army is fully contract-based. There are
5052 soldiers of professional military service in the NAF. 1500 soldiers
are in the Land Force, 552 - in the Naval Forces, 300 - in the Air Force
and 550 soldiers of professional military service and 10 642 national
guardsmen in the National Guard. There are 1380 civil and military
employees serving in the NAF. There are 1284 officers, 1945
non-commissioned officers and 1817 privates or privates first class
serving in the NAF. |