Honvédség, naziv mađarskih oruanaih snaga, u doslovnom prevodu znači
Korpus branitelja domovine. Prvi je put taj
naziv koriten za snage osnovane od strane Nacionalnog obrambenog
komiteta pod vođstvom Lajoa Kouta, za vrijeme "Mađarske revolucije"
1848. godine. Austro-Ugarskom nagodbom 1867. Mađarima je dozvoljeno da
imaju vlastite odbrambene snage u sastavu Austro-Ugarske imperije, koje
su se razlikovale od austrijskog Landwhera i Carske i kraljevske vojske.
Honvédség ostaje u upotrebi i
nakon raspada carstva sve do danas. Interesantno je da je naziv za
redova honvéd. |
Honvédség is the name of the Hungarian army. It
literally means corps of homeland defenders and was originally used to
refer to the revolutionary army established by Lajos Kossuth and the
National Defense Committee of the Revolutionary Hungarian Diet in
September 1848 during the Hungarian Revolution. In accordance with the
Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, the Hungarians were allowed to have
their own forces for homeland defense integrated within the Imperial
Forces. The Honvédség became a specifically Hungarian army within the
Austro-Hungarian Empire, distinct from the Austrian Landwehr and the
Imperial and Royal (KuK) army of the empire as a whole. The term
Honvédség continued to be the name of the Hungarian military after the
end of World War I and the dissolution of the empire. The Hungarian army
is still called Magyar Honvédség to this day, and the rank equal to
private is honvéd. |