Nizozemska policija se sastoji od 25 regionalnih i jedne Nacionalne
policije (the National Police Services Agency (KLPD)). Svakom od 25
regionalnih policija rukovodi odbor sastavljen od gradonačelnika i
glavnog javnog tužitelja. Nacionalnom policijom rukovodi Ministar
unutrašnjih poslova (od 01. 01. 2000.) On je, zajedno sa ministrom
pravde, odgovoran za rad policije u Nizozemskoj. Ujedno je i šef svakoj
od regionalnih policijskih snaga, ali u principu se umiješa samo kada je
to stvarno potrebno. Nacionalna policija KLPD vrši i specijalne
policijske zadatke, kao i sakupljanje, analiziranje, upravljanje i
distribuiranje informacija. Zaduženi su i za čuvanje kraljevske familije
i ostalih važnih osoba. Nacionalna policija ima i zadatak nabave oružja,
uniformi i ostale opreme. |
oznake |
Činovi |
The Dutch police consists of 25 regional police forces and the National
Police Services Agency (KLPD). Each of the Netherlands' 25 police
regions is headed by a regional police board, consisting of mayors and a
chief public prosecutor. The KLPD is headed by the Minister of the
Interior and Kingdom Relations (since 1 January 2000). He is responsible
(with the Minister of Justice) for the overall quality of policing in
the Netherlands. He also heads each of the regional police forces 'at
arm's length' - meaning that he limits his interventions in principle to
what is strictly necessary. The KLPD carries out national and specialist
police tasks. It collects, files, processes, manages, analyses and
distributes information, and carries out other support tasks. It guards
the Royal Family and other important persons. And it procures police
weaponry, uniforms, and other equipment. |