U Njemačkim oružanim snagama kadeti su u rangu vojnika na služenju
redovnog vojnog roka (regruti, ročnici). Vojnicima primljenim na
školovanje za oficire dodaje se notica OA za
Offizieranwärter („oficirski kandidat“). U Kopnenoj vojsci, kroz
školovanje prolaze činove Fahnenjunker (OR-5),
(OR-6) and Oberfänrich (OR-7). U Mornarici su to Seekadeten, Fänrich
zur See and Oberfänrich
zur See. |
Oficirski kandidati nose iste uniforme i oznake kao podoficiri s istim
činom, jedina je razlika što se za prva dva čina dodaje srebrena
žica/traka na dno epolete. Čin Oberfähnrich se
razlikuje po tome što na službenoj i svečanoj uniformi umjesto
podoficirskog nose na epoletama čin Hauptfeldwebela sa
oficirskim srebrenim obrubom. Na radnoj
uniformi nose običan čin sa dodatnom srebrenom žicom/trakom. Kadeti ne
prolaze sve činove, samo tri, a u čin poručnika se uvede nakon 36
mjeseci službe/školovanja. |
OA (OR-1) |
Kopnena vojska |
In the German Armed Forces, officer designates are enlisted personnel.
Soldiers accepted for officer training are given the annotation (OA)
for Offizieranwärter ("Officer
Aspirant") to their rank. Then the designate progresses through the
ranks of
Fahnenjunker (OR-5), Fänrich (OR-6) and Oberfänrich (OR-7) in the
German Army and German Air Force. Officer designates in the German Navy
go through the corresponding ranks of Seekadeten, Fänrich
zur See and Oberfänrich zur See
instead. |
Officer designates in the Army and Air Force wear the same uniform and
insignia as the corresponding NCOs; added a silver metal tissue cord on
their shoulder straps. A distinction to this is the insignia of the
cadets do not pass through all enlisted ranks, but are directly promoted
to Lieutenant after 36 months of service. |
Kadet narednik (Fahnenjunker short Fhj or FJ) je čin njemačke
Kopnene vojske i Avijacije. Fahnenjunker je uvodni čin u oficirski
kadar. Odgovara činu podoficira (Unteroffizier) i mornaričkom činu
Maat i pripada grupi Podoficira bez čvora na sablji. U NATO
klasifikaciji je OR-5, a odgovara činu Narednika (Sergeant) u
američkim Oružanim snagama. Službeno ga se oslovljava sa Herr/Frau
Fahnenjunker, a neformalno i skraćeno Fahnenjunker. |
Fahnenjunker (short Fhj or FJ) is a military rank of the German
Bundeswehr to persons in uniform of the German Army and German Air
Force. Legal basis is the Presidential order of the Federal president on
rank insignia and uniforms of soldiers. Fahnenjunker is the entrance
rank to the Officer Aspirant career. According to the salary class it is
equivalent to the Unteroffiziere ohne Portpee ranks Unteroffizier of the
army or the air force, and Maat (rank) of Deutcshe Marine. It is also
grouped as OR-5 in NATO, equivalent to Sergeant, Staff Sergeant in the
US Armed Forces. In army context NCOs of this rank were formally
addressed as Herr/ Frau Fahnenjunker also informally / short
Fahnenjunker. |
njemačkim oružanim snagama oficirski kandidat može steći čin Fähnricha
nakon 21 mjeseca u službi. Ekvivalent u Njemačkoj mornarici je
„Zastavnik na moru“ (Fähnrich zur See). Ovaj se čin koristi i u
Austrijskim oružanim snagama. Sama riječ dolazi od staronjemačke vojne
titule nositelj zastave (Fahnenträger), a prvi put postaje službeni čin
01. 01. 1899.godine. Često se ovaj čin „mješa“ sa Zastavnikom (Esign), s
kojim dijeli etimološku sličnost, ali je esign puni čin osobe u aktivnoj
vojnoj službi. |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
In the German Bundeswehr, an officer candidate (Offiziersanwärter) can
reach the rank of Fähnrich after 21 months of service. The German Navy
equivalent is "Ensign at sea" (Fähnrich zur See). An officer candidate's
career is indicated by the enlisted rank with a thin silver cord on the
shoulder strap. Fähnrich is an officer candidate rank in the Austrian
Bundesheer and German Bundeswehr. The word Fähnrich comes from an older
German military title, Fahnenträger (flag bearer), and first became a
distinct military rank in Germany on 1 January 1899. However, Fähnrich
ranks are often incorrectly compared with the rank of Esign, which
shares a similar etymology but is a full-fledged (albeit junior)
commissioned officer rank. |
Oberfähnrich (OFähnr or OFR) označava vojnu osobu ili pripadnika
Oružanih snaga kao zadnji ili najviši kadetski čin (OA
–Offizieranwärter). Po NATO kategorizaciji je OR-7. Oslovljava ih se sa
Gospodine/Gospođo Oberfähnrich, a neformalno samo sa Oberfähnrich. Na
službenoj i svečanoj uniformi na epoletama ima srebrni obrub
(oficirski). Ali na radnoj unoformi nosi redovan podoficirski čin
Hauptfeldwebela sa tarkicom koja označava kadeta. |
Epolete |
Navlaka |
Epolete |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
Oberfähnrich (OFähnr or OFR) designates in the Heer of the Bundeswehr a
military person or member of the armed forces with the last or highest
Officer Aspirant (OA –Offizieranwärter) rank. It is grouped as OR-7 in
NATO. In navy context NCOs of this rank were formally addressed as Herr
Oberfähnrich also informally / short Oberfähnrich. His service and dress
uniforms, including the shoulder straps, are sowed the silver piping,
indicating the officer career instead of the NCO piping. However, his
rank insignia on mounting loots for the field uniform are identically to
the non-commissioned Hauptfeldwebel; plus the cord of the officer
designate. |
Oficiri svoju karijeru počinju od najnižeg čina u jednom od tri školska
bataljona smještenim u Hammelburgu, Idar-Obersteinu i Munsteru. Nakon 6
mjeseci obuke koja sadržava osnove vojničkog drila, vojne povijesti i
prava, nastavljaju sa Oficirskim tečajem br 1. Taj se održava u
Oficirskoj školi u Dresdenu i traje 3 mjeseca. Za njim slijedi 10
tjedana učenja engleskog jezika i 3 mjeseca aktivne vojne službe
(Truppenkommando) kao običan vojnik. Nakon 15 mjeseci kadeti polaze
jedan od dva vojna univeziteta (u Minhenu i Hamburgu) da bi nakon 4
godine školovanja stekli magistarsko zvanje. |
Career officers usually start out as enlisted personnel with the lowest
rank in one of the three officer candidate battalions of the German Army
located in Hammelburg, Idar-Oberstein and Munster. After six months of
officer candidate training course in these battalions, containing basic
military drill, military law and history, the officer candidates proceed
with the Officer's Course 1. These are held at the Officer's School in
Dresden for three months, followed by a 10-week period for training
English and three months of active service, the so-called
Truppenkommando as regular soldier in a military unit. After 15 months,
the officer candidates attend one of the two Universities of the German
Federal Armed Forces in Munich and Hamburg to attain a Master's degree
after four years of study. |
Potporučnik (Leutnant skraćeno: Lt / L) je naziv za vojnika sa najnižim
oficirskim činom. U mornarici mu je jednak čin: Leutenant zur See.
Termin Leutnant se u Njemačkoj koristi od 1899. godine. U današnje doba,
u Kopneneoj vojsci (Bundeswehr) osoba sa ovim čiinom je uobičajeno na
mjestu komandira voda. Ipak, takav se čin može dodijeliti i vojnoj osobi
za vrijeme studiranja na jednom od dva Univerziteta Saveznih oružanih
snaga ili na nekoj drugoj visokoškolskoj ustanovi. |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
In Germany Leutnant (short.: Lt / on lists also: L) is the designation
of a soldier of the lowest officer rank. The equivalent in the German
Navy (Deutsche Marine) is the "Leutnant zur See".The term "Leutnant" (OF1b-rank) has been used in German armed forces
since 1899. In the Bundeswehr today the "Leutnant (OF1b-rank) will be
normally appointed as platoon leader. However, the rank of «Leutnant»
might also be held while a junior officer is studying at the
Universities of the German Federal Armed Forces or at another training
or education establishment. |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
Oberleutnant (Poručnik, direktan prevod je Nadporučnik) je najviši
poručnički čin u vojskama Njemačke, Austrije i Švicarske. U njemačkoj je
u upotrebi od početka devetnaestog vijeka. Ovaj čin se uobičajeno stječe
nakon pet do šest godina aktivne vojne službe. Čin oberleutnanta se
koristi u njemačkoj Kopnenoj vojci i Avijaciji. U mornarici je ovom činu
jednak čin Oberleutnant zur See. Po NATO-ovom sistemu, njemački
Oberleutnant odgovara činu First Lieutenant ili Poručnik u savezničkim
vojskama. |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
Oberleutnant (OF-1a) is the highest Lieutenant officer rank in the armed
forces of Germany (Bundeswehr), Austrian Armed Forces, and Military of
Switzerland. In the German Army, it dates from the early 19th century.
Translated as "senior lieutenant", the rank is typically bestowed upon
commissioned officers after five to six years of active duty service.
Oberleutnant is used by both the German Army and the German Air Force.
In the NATO military comparison system, a German Oberleutnant is the
equivalent of a First Lieutenant or Poruchnik in the Army/Air Forces of
Allied nations. The equivalent naval rank is Oberleutnant zur See. |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
Hauptman, OF-2 in NATO, se sa njemačkog prevodi kao kapetan i uobičajen
je čin u vojskama Njemačke, Austrije i Švicarske. Dok „haupt“ u
sadašnjem njemačkom jeziku znači „glavni“, ima i značenje „glava“, prema
čemu se čin Hauptman doslovno prevodi kao „glavni čovjek“, što je i
etimološki korijen riječi „captain“ / kapetan (od Latinske riječi caput
za glavu). Odgovara činu kapetana u vojskama SAD-a i Velike Britanije. |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
Hauptmann is a German word usually translated as captain when it is used
as an officer's rank in the German, Austrian and Swiss Armies. While
"haupt" in contemporary German means "main", it also has the meaning of
"head", i.e. Hauptmann literally translates to "head man", which is also
the etymological root of "captain" (from Latin caput head). It equates
to Captain in the British and US Armies, and is rated OF-2 in NATO. |
Stabshauptmann (skraćeno: StHptm) znači Štabno kapetan i viši njemački
čin i najviši u Bundeswehru za oficire specijaliste (Offiziere
des Militärfachlichen Dienstes (OffzMilFD)). Umjesto da ih se
promiče u čin majora, oficiri specijalisti, koji su određeno vrijeme
proveli u činu kapetana (Haptman) dobijaju ovaj čin i plaću majora.
Ponekad se za Stabshauptmanna postavljaju „redovni“ oficiri, ako ne
postoji formacijsko mjesto majora. |
čin se sastoji od četiri srebrene zvijezdice. To je jedan od najrijeđih
činova Njemačke vojske. Ne postoji ekvivalent u drugim vojskama svijeta
za ovaj čin i kreiran je isključivo za specijaliste (OffzMilFD).
To su bivši podoficiri koji su završili specifična školovanja kroz koje
im je pružena šansa da postanu oficiri. Dužnosti su im specifične,
slične onima Warrant officer-a u vojskama engleskog govornog područja.
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
Stabshauptmann (short: StHptm) meaning "Staff Captain", is a German
Senior Captain rank and the highest military rank in the Bundeswehr for
specialist officers (Offiziere des Militärfachlichen
Dienstes (OffzMilFD)). Instead of being promoted to the rank of
major, specialist officers that were holding the rank of Hauptman
(Captain) for a specific time are promoted to the rank of Stabshauptmann
and given the salary of a Major. Sometimes regular officers are promoted
to a post that is intended for a Stabshauptmann if there is no free post
for a Major. |
The badge of rank is four silver stars. It is one of the rarest ranks in
the German military. The rank has no history outside the Bundeswehr and
has been created especially for the MilFD officers. Those are former
NCO's who have accomplished a special training programme through which
they are given the opportunity to become officers. Their duties are,
however, specific, similar to that of a Warrant officer in the
English-speaking armies. |
su nosioci ovog čina profesionalni oficiri, njihove komandne dužnosti su
ograničene samo na medicinske poslove ili na medicinsko osoblje (kao
npr. drugi doktori, medicinske sestre ili ostalo medicinsko osoblje pod
njihovim nadzorom). Po međunarodnim konvencijama (posebno po Ženevskoj
konvenciji) ih se smatra neutralnim ne-borbenim osobljem. Ne napada ih
se ili zarobljava. Obično nose i oznake po kojima je vidljiv njihov
medicinski status. Aako su naoružani, obično službenim pištoljima, to je
samo zato da mogu zaštiti sebe ili ranjenike. |
Združenoj medicinskoj službi Bundeswehra Stabsarzt (Štabni doktor),
Stabsapotheker (Štabni apotekar), and Stabsveterinär (Štabni veterinar)
odgovaraju NATO specifikaciji činu OF-2. Na epoletama nose 3 zvijezdice
i oznaku svoje specijalnosti. Epoleta je obrubljena tamnoplavom, bojom
medicinske struke. |
Zubar |
Stabszahnarzt |
Kommando Sanitätsdienst der Bundeswehr |
Kopnena vojska |
medicinska služba Bundeswehra |
While holders of this rank are commissioned officers, their authority is
in practice often limited to medical matters and medical staff (such as
other doctors, nurses and other medics working under their supervision),
and they are regarded as neutral non-combatants and accorded the status
of "protected persons" under international humanitarian law
(specifically the geneva Conventions) when participating in humanitarian
work during armed conflicts, such as caring for the sick or wounded.
They may wear the red cross as a protective sign. As such, they may not
be attacked, harmed or taken as prisoners of war (attacking medical
personnel is a war crime. They may be armed, usually with service
pistols, for the purpose of self defense or the defense of patients. |
In the Joint Medical Service of the German Bundeswehr Stabsarzt (en:
Staff surgeon), Stabsapotheker (en: Staff pharmacist), and
Stabsveterinär (en: Staff veterinary) are comparable in NATO to the
OF-2. The grades belong to the captain rank group (de: Hauptleute). On
the shoulder straps (Heer, Luftwaffe) there are three silver stars and
the career insignia (de: Laufbahnabzeichen) as symbol of the medical
standing, or course of studies. The corps colour of the "Bundeswehr
Joint Medical Service" is dark blue. In the Marines, the career insignia
is in the middle of both sleeves, 3 cm above the cuff strips, and on the
shoulder straps between strips and button. |
je najniži od štabnih oficirskih činova u KoV-u i Avijaciji. Po NATO-u
je to OF-3. Čin se sastoji od srebrenog vijenca od hrastovog lišća te
jedne zvijezdice. U Mornarici mu odgovara čin Korvetenkapitä-a. Da bi
bio unaprijeđen u čin majora, officir mora uspješno proći Osnovnu obuku
za štabne oficire (Stabsoffizierlehrgang) koja se održaava u Komandi
Njemačkih oružanih snaga i Štabnom fakultetu (Führungsakademie der
Bundeswehr) i služiti na radnim mjestima kodova A13 ili A13/A14. |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
Major is the lowest štabni oficirski rank in the Army (Heer) i Air Force
(Luftwaffe). The rank is rated OF-3 in NATO. The rank insignia is a
silver oakleaf cluster with a silver pip (star). The OF-3 equivalent of
the German Navy (Marine) is the Korvetenkapitän. To be appointed to the
rank of Major, the officer has to pass a staff officer basic course
(Stabsoffizierlehrgang) which is held at the German Armed Forces Command
and Staff College (Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr), and serve in a post
coded A13 or A13/A14. |
Oberstleutnant je u KoV-u i Avijaciji čin jednak lieutenant colonel, u
engleskom govornom području i viši je od majora a niži od pukovnika
(Oberst). Kod ovog čina postoje dva platna razreda. A14 je standardni
platni razred, dok je A15 za starije Oberstleutnante. Potpukovnici u
Generalštabu iza čina imaju dodane riječi "im Generalstabsdienst"
(generalštabna služba) (i.G.), a oni u rezervi "der Reserve" (d.R.)
skraćeno: "OTL i.G." ili "OTL d.R." Oberstleutnant koji je definitivno u
penziji iza čina dodaje "außer Dienst" (van službe) (a.D.). |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
Oberstleutnant is a German Army and German Air Force rank equal to
lieutenant colonel, above Major, and below Oberst. There are two
paygrades associated to the rank of Oberstleutnant. Paygrade A14 is the
standard level paygrade whereas A15 is assigned to senior Oberstleutnant
personnel. Oberstleutnant of the General Staff or Reserve have the words
"im Generalstabsdienst" (i.G.), "der Reserve" (d.R.) after their
rank—thus: "OTL i.G.", "OTL d.R." Oberstleutnant who are definitely
retired are described as "außer Dienst" (a.D.) |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
Oberst (pukovnik) je vojni čin u nekoliko zemalja njemačkog govornog
područja i Skandinaviji. Trenutno ga koriste kopnena vojske i avijacije
Austrije, Njemačke, Švicarske, Danske i Norveške. U Švedskoj je čin
överste direktan prijevod, dok se na Islandu i u Finskoj koriste činom
ofursti. U Nizozemskoj se čin overste koristi za potpukovnika. Na
epoletama njemačkog KoV-a i Avijacije je označen sa tri srebrene
zvijezdice i srebrenim vijencem od hratsovog lišća. Po NATO-u je to OF-5
i odgovara činovima Oberstarzt, Oberstapotheker i Oberstveterinär u
Zajedničkim medicinskim službama Bundeswehra te Kapitän zur See i
Flottenarzt u njemačkoj mornarici. |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
Oberst is a military rank in several German-speaking and Scandinavian
countries, equivalent to Colonel. It is currently used by both the
Ground and Air Forces of Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, and
Norway. The Swedish rank överste is a direct translation, as are the
Finnish rank eversti and the Icelandic rank ofursti. In the Netherlands
the rank overste is used as a synonym for a Lieutenant colonel. On the
shoulder straps (Heer, Luftwaffe) there are three silver pips (stars) in
silver oak leaves.It is comparable in NATO to OF-5 and equivalent to:
Oberstarzt, Oberstapotheker, and Oberstveterinär in the Joint Medical
Service of the German Bundeswehr; Kapitän zur See and Flottenarzt in the
German Navy. |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
1,5% svake grupe viših oficira bude izabrano za Generalštabno školovanje
(Generalstabslehrgang) na Vojnoj akademiji u Hamburgu (Führungsakademie
der Bundeswehr). Ovo školovanje traje dvije godine i nakon uspješno
završenog školovanja, učesnici iza svojeg čina dodaju „i.G“ (im
Generalstabsdienst). Najniži čin koji mogu doseći ovi oficiri je
pukovnik. Bez Generalstabslehrganga nije moguće steći generalski čin.
About 1.5 percent of each cohort of higher officers are chosen to take
part in the Generalstabslehrgang (general staff course) at the
Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr (military academy) at Hamburg. This
course lasts two years after the completion of which the participants
put a "i.G." after their rank, meaning im Generalstabsdienst (in general
staff service). Having completed this course, the minimum rank those
officers achieve is usually Oberst (colonel). The Generalstabslehrgang
is a necessary requirement for the promotion to a General's rank. |
Brigadegeneral, skraćeno BrigGen, (Brigadni General) je najniži
generalski čin u Njemačkoj Kopneneoj vojsci i Avijaciji. Po NATO-u je to
OF-6, a po platnom rangiranju Njemačkog mnistarstva odbrane je to B6.
Odgovara činovima Admirala flote u Mornarici ili činovima General
doktora, General apotekara ili Admiral doktora u Centralnoj medicinskoj
službi Njemačkih oružanih snaga (Zentralen Sanitätdienst der
Bundeswehr). Označava se zlatnim vijencem od hrastovog lišća i jednom
zlatnom zvijezdicom. |
Kopnena vojska |
Kopnena vojska |
Vojni sud (samo
u slučaju rata) |
Brigadegeneral, short BrigGen, (Brigadier General) is the lowest general
officer rank in the German Army (Heer), German Air Force (Luftwaffe).
The rank is rated OF-6 in NATO, and is grade B6 in the pay rules of the
Federal Ministry of Defence. It is equivalent to Flottillenadmiral in
theGerman Navy (Marine) or to Generalarzt, Generalaotheker and
Admiralarzt in the Zentralen Sanitätdienst der Bundeswehr. On the
shoulder straps (Heer, Luftwaffe) there is one golden pip (star) in
golden oak leaves. |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
Generalmajor, skraćeno GenMaj, (general major) je generalski čin u
velikom djelu zemalja. U Njemačkoj Kopneneoj vojsci i Avijaciji je to
treći po redu generalski čin. Po NATO-u je to OF-7, a po platnom
rangiranju Njemačkog mnistarstva odbrane je to B7. Odgovara činovima
Kontraadmirala flote u Mornarici ili činovima Generalštabnog doktora ili
Admiralštabnog doktora u Centralnoj medicinskoj službi Njemačkih
oružanih snaga (Zentralen Sanitätdienst der Bundeswehr). Označava se
zlatnim vijencem od hrastovog lišća i dvjema zlatnim zvijezdicama. |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
AIR FORCE / Avijacija |
Generalmajor, short GenMaj, (general major) is a general rank rank in
many countries, and is identical to and translated as Major General. It
is currently the third highest general officer rank in the German Army
(Heer), German Air Force (Luftwaffe). This rank is also used in the
Austrian Armed Forces, but is abbreviated as GenMjr. The rank is rated
OF-7 in NATO, and is grade B7 in the pay rules of the Federal Ministry
of Defence. It is equivalent to Konteradmiral in the German Navy
(Marine) or to Generalstabsarzt, and Admiralstabsarzt in the Zentralen
Sanitätdienst der Bundeswehr. On the shoulder straps (Heer, Luftwaffe)
there are two golden pips (stars) in golden oak leaves. |
Generalleutnant, skraćeno GenLt, (general pukovnik) je to drugi
generalski čin Njemačkoj Kopneneoj vojsci i Avijaciji. Po NATO-u je to
OF-8, a po platnom rangiranju Njemačkog mnistarstva odbrane je to B8.
Odgovara činovima Viceadmiral u Mornarici ili činovima Višeg
Generalštabnog doktora ili Višeg Admiralštabnog doktora u Centralnoj
medicinskoj službi Njemačkih oružanih snaga (Zentralen Sanitätdienst der
Bundeswehr). Označava se zlatnim vijencem od hrastovog lišća i trima
zlatnim zvijezdicama. |
ARMY / Kopnena vojska |
Generalleutnant, short GenLt, (Lieutenant General) is the second highest
general officers rank in the German Army (Heer), German Air Force
(Luftwaffe). The rank is rated OF-8 in NATO, and is grade B7 in the pay
rules of the Federal Ministry of Defence. It is equivalent to
Vizeadmiral in the German Navy (Marine), or to Generaloberstabsarzt, and
Admiraloberstabsarzt in the Zentralen Sanitätdienst der Bundeswehr. On
the shoulder straps (Heer, Luftwaffe) there are three golden pips
(stars) in golden oak leaves. |
General (general pukovnik) je najviši generalski čin Njemačkoj Kopneneoj
vojsci i Avijaciji. Po NATO-u je to OF-9, a po platnom rangiranju
Njemačkog mnistarstva odbrane je to B9. Odgovara činovima Admirala u
Mornarici. Označava se zlatnim vijencem od hrastovog lišća i sa četiri
zlatne zvijezdice. Kako je u Bundeswehru ispod general-majora dodan čin
Brigadnog generala, a ostali su činovi zadržani, tako je svaki od njih
postao sinonim za viši čin (naprimjer, general major je sada sa dvije
zvijezdice). |
General is the highest rank of the German Army and German Air Force. As
a four-star-rank it is the equivalent to the rank of Admiral in the
German Navy. The rank is rated OF-9 in NATO. It is grade B8 in the pay
rules of the Federal Ministry of Defence. On the shoulder straps (Heer,
Luftwaffe) there are four golden pips (stars) in golden oak leaves. In
the Bundeswehr, the rank of Brigadegeneral was inserted below the rank
of Generalmajor. While the rank titles of Generalmajor, Generalleutnant
and General were retained, each of those titles now denotes a higher
rank than before (e.g. the Generalleutnant is now a three-star general). |
U osnovi postoje tri vrste oznaka činova: oznake na epoletama, oznake
na rukavima i oznake na navlakama („tunelima“) koje se stavljaju na
naramenice košulja i jakni, a mogu se staviti i kao prsne oznake. |
Basically there are three different types of rank insignias: Shoulder
straps or boards, Cuff titles or sleeve insignias and Mounting loops or
straps (Aufschiebeschlaufen). |
Epolete |
Oznaka sa rukava |
Aufschiebeschlaufen |
NAPOMENA: Svi činovi trebaju biti u paru, nažalost od nekih imam
samo po jedan komad, pa su tako i prikazani. Ukoliko par čine dvije
različite oznake (npr. lijeva i desna), prikazao sam obadvije, jednu
do druge. |
Ranks showen here all should be in pair, but from most of them I do
not have whole pair, just a pice. If pair have leeft and right rank
they are shown separate. |
Pripadnici medicinske službe na epoletama (KoV i Avijacija), a u
Mornarici na rukavima nose metalne oznake (22 mm duljine) službe. Glava
zmije se postavlja blizu dugmeta za zakopčavanje. "Glave zmija" su
okrenute prema naprijed, u smjeru u kojem vojnik gleda. Ukoliko je
oznaka u obliku navlake, sa vezenom oznakom čina, na sebi ima vezenu
zmiju dužine 18 mm. Dozvoljene su i oznake vezene žicom (bullion), ali
ih vojnik nabavlja sam. Zmije se izrađuju u 4 različite varijante. Dok
je za obične liječnike je zmija dvostruko ovijena oko eskulapovog štapa,
za zubarsku službu je ovijena jedamput. Farmaceuti nose oznaku sa
dvostruko savijenom zmijom preko zdjele. Veterinari imaju samo zmiju
izvijenu dvostruko. |
Zahnarzt |
Arzt |
Apotheker |
Zubar |
Doktor |
Apotekar |
izradu oficirskih činova, od potporučnika do pukovnika, se koriste
srebrne metalne zvijezde (1,7 cm u promjeru) i metalni hrastov vijenac,
ili prema istom rasporedu crno tkana zvijezda i hrastovo lišće na
sivomaslinastoj podlozi ili na podlozi koja odgovara boji uniforme.
Umjesto metalne značke dozvoljeno je nositi i ručno vezene oznake čina,
ali njih nabavlja oficir sam. |
Dvostruka krila (avijatičarska krila) su dio navlaka za činove
Avijacije. Vezeni su u boji ostalih amblema, u većini slučajeva crno na
sivomaslinastoj boji ili zlatnoj za generale. Dvostruka krila su
nepogrješivi avijatičarski znak na radnim sivomaslinastim ili maskirnim
uniformama koje nose svi pripadnici Bundeswehra. Navlake koje koriste
avijatičari su duže i šire od onih koje koriste pripadnici KoV-a.
Dvostruka krila se koriste i za vojnika-avijatičara (OR1-rank Flieger)
bez čina, dok sve ostale službe imaju prazanu navlaku. |
The double wing (also: aviator wing) is part of the mounting loop to any
uniform of the Luftwaffe. It is woven in the color of all other emblems
(in most cases: black– or gold-colored by general grads. The double
wing, also part of other elements on aviator´s uniform, serves as
unmistakable discrimination feature to the stone-grey / olive-colored
mounting strap to the uniform of the Heer. Double wing mounting loops
are longer and wider than other one`s. The double wing is even part of
the otherwise empty mounting loop to the lowest private OR1-rank
(Flieger), in order to distinguish between the Air Force – and Army
personnel in tarnfleck uniform. |