Offizierschule des Heeres |
Oficirska škola kopnene vojske (OSH) u Dresdenu središnja je ustanova za
obuku vojnika Kopnene vojske koji su kandidati za oficire ili su već
oficiri. Škola je podređena Komandi za obuku. Prvenstveno osposobljava
kandidate za oficire, štabne oficire u vojnoj službi, kandidate za
oficire i oficire u vojnotehničkoj službi kao i kandidate za rezervne
oficire i rezervne oficire na karijernim, zadanim i posebnim tečajevima
te je odgovoran za školovanje svih kandidata za oficire u Kopnenoj
vojsci na temelju smjernica unutarnjeg rukovodstva. Pridonosi daljnjem
razvoju načela taktike u Njemačkoj vojsci. |
The Army Officer School (OSH) in Dresden is the central training
facility for soldiers of the Army who are officer candidates or
officers. The school is subordinate to the training command. It
primarily trains officer candidates, officers and staff officers in the
military service, officer candidates and officers in the military
technical service as well as reserve officer candidates and reserve
officers in career, assignment and special courses and is responsible
for the education of all officer candidates in the army on the basis of
the guidelines for internal leadership. It contributes to the further
development of the principles of tactics in the German army. |
Oznaka Oficirske (časničke) škole Kopnene vojske (nosi se na lijevom
rukavu uniforme) prikazuje dva prekrižena mača na crvenoj pozadini,
slično svim oznakama vojnih škola. Osim toga, "S" označava da se radi o
jednoj od škola Kopnene vojske. Za razliku od grbova drugih vojnih
škola, srebrno-crni obrub ne označava boju specifičnu za granu službe,
već odgovara obrubu, npr. znaka divizije ili ureda vojske, budući da
oficiri dolaze iz svih rodova službe. Odgovara grbu bivšeg vojnog ureda
s dodatnim "S". |
The Army Officer School badge (worn on the left sleeve of the uniform)
shows two crossed swords on a red background, similar to all the badges
of the troop schools. In addition, an "S" indicates that it is one of
the army schools. In contrast to the coats of arms of the other troop
schools, the silver-black border does not stand for a weapon color
specific to a branch of service, but corresponds to the border, e.g. B.
the division corps badge and the army office, since the officers come
from all branches of the service. Overall, it corresponds to the coat of
arms of the former army office with an additional "S". |
Infanterieschule |
škola (od 1962. do 02. 1995. Combat Unit School 1; KpfTrS 1; 01. 01.
2015. do 31. 03. 2021. Centar za obuku pješadije; AusbZ Inf) u
Hammelburgu jedna je od ustanova za obuku kopnene vojske Bundeswehra i
obučava vojne nadređene od pješaštva. To uključuje obuku časnika i
narednika za lovce, padobrance, brdsko pješaštvo i sigurnosne snage
zrakoplovstva i mornaričke sigurnosne snage, u tečaju za samostalnog
borca i
za specijalne postrojbe. Sadržaj obuke prvenstveno je sposobnost
uključivanja u pješačku borbu i priprema svih trupa Bundeswehra za
raspoređivanje. |
The infantry school (InfS; 1962 to February 1995 combat troops school 1;
KpfTrS 1; January 1, 2015 to March 31, 2021 infantry training center;
AusbZ Inf) in Hammelburg is one of the training facilities of the
Bundeswehr Army and trains military superiors of the infantry. This
includes officer and sergeant training for hunters, paratroopers,
mountain infantry and air force security forces and naval security
forces, in the lone fighter course also for special forces. Training
content is above all the ability to engage in infantry combat and the
preparation of all troops of the Bundeswehr for deployment. |
Oznaka za
rukav |
oznaka interni znak škole |
Slično svim oznakama vojnih škola, oznaka škole prikazuje dva ukrštena
mača na crvenoj pozadini. Osim toga, "S" označava da se radi o vojnoj
školi. Zeleni rub odgovara boji pješadije. Nosi se kao oznaka na rukavu
i može se kombinirati s oznakom jedinice škole kao prsna oznaka. |
Similar to all army school insignia, the association insignia shows two
crossed swords on a red background. In addition, an "S" indicates that
it is an army school. The green border corresponds to the infantry
weapon color. It is worn on the uniform as a sleeve insignia and can be
combined with the internal association insignia as a breast tag. |
Interni znak jedinice simbolizira sve rodove pješadije. Značka se nosi
na tunici kao oznaka na grudima ili na rukavu. Prema heraldičkim
propisima, štit je "razdijeljen crvenom i zelenom bojom, prečka je
prekrivena stiliziranom planinom, a ispod su dva ukrštena mača". |
The internal unit badge symbolizes all branches of the infantry. The
badge is worn on the tunic as a breast badge or sleeve badge. According
to the heraldic regulations, the shield is "divided by red and green,
the bar is covered with a stylized mountain and underneath are two
crossed swords". |
Luftlande-/Lufttransportschule |
Padobranska i
avio transportna škola (LL/LTrspS; od 1958. do 31. 12. 2015.
Padobranska i avio transportna škola ; LL/LTS; 01. 07. 2015. do 31. 03.
2021. Padobranska i avio transportna baza za obuku ; AusbStpLL/LTrsp) u
Altenstadtu (Gornja Bavarska) jedan od objekata za obuku Kopnene vojske
Bundeswehra. Središnji je poligon za avio transport, obuku skokova s
i obuku preživljavanja u različitim uvjetima. Padobranska i avio
transportna škola podređena je Pješadijskoj školi u Hammelburgu. |
The Airborne and Air Transport School (LL/LTrspS; February 1958 to
December 31, 2015 Airborne and Air Transport School; LL/LTS; July 1,
2015 to March 31, 2021 Airborne and Air Transport Training Base;
AusbStpLL/LTrsp) in Altenstadt (Upper Bavaria) is one of the training
facilities of the Army of the Bundeswehr. It is the central training
center for airborne and air transport, parachute jump training and
survival training under various conditions. The Airland/Air Transport
School is subordinate to the Infantry School in Hammelburg.. |
Artillerieschule |
Artiljerijska škola (ArtS; od 2015. do 31. 03. 2021. Poligon za obuku
oružanih snaga združena taktička vatrena podrška/neizravna paljba;
AusbBer STF/IndirF) jedan je od objekata za obuku kopnene vojske i
središnji objekt za obuku grane artiljerijskih jedinica Kopnene vojske.
Podređena je Školi oklopnih trupa u Munsteru i stacionirana je u
Idar-Obersteinu u istoimenom poligonu "Artiljerijske škole". |
The artillery school (ArtS; from 2015 to March 31, 2021 training area
armed forces joint tactical fire support/indirect fire; AusbBer STF/IndirF)
is one of the Army's training facilities and the central training
facility for the Army's artillery troop branch and for indirect fire in
the Bundeswehr. It is subordinate to the Panzer Troops School in Munster
and is stationed in Idar-Oberstein in the "Artillery School" property of
the same name. |
Osnovni oblik značke škole odgovara Uredu za razvoj Vojske. To je štit s
crvenom pozadinom i prikazuje dva prekrižena mača. Ispod mačeva u
podnožju štita nalazi se bijelo "S" koje označava objekte za obuku
Kopnene vojske. Rub oznake je grimizne boje, što odgovara boji službe.
Znak škole nosi se na lijevom rukavu službene uniforme. |
The basic form of the instituion badge corresponds to that of the Office
for Army Development. It is a shield with a red background and shows two
crossed swords. Below the swords in the base of the shield is a white
"S", which indicates the Army's training facilities. The piping of the
badge is crimson, corresponding to the weapon color of the branch of
service. The association badge is worn on the left sleeve of the service
suit. |
Pionierschule |
Inžinjerijska škola (Die Pionierschule PiS) u Ingolstadtu jedna je od
vojnih ustanova za obuku i odgovorna je za obuku i daljnje obrazovanje,
posebno za inžinjerijske trupe u njemačkoj vojsci. |
The Pioneer School (PiS) in Ingolstadt is one of the Army's training
facilities and is responsible for the training and further education of
the German Army's pioneer troops in particular. |
na rukavu prikazuje dva prekrižena mača na crvenoj podlozi, slično svim
znakovima vojnih škola. Osim toga, "S" označava da se radi o jednoj od
škola Kopnene vojske. Crni rub odgovara boji inžinjeraca. |
sleeve insignia shows two crossed swords on a red background, similar to
all insignia of the army schools. In addition, an "S" indicates that it
is one of the Army schools. The black border corresponds to the weapon
color of the pioneer troop. |
Internationale Hubschrauberausbildungszentrum |
avijacije KoV-a (Heeresfliegerwaffenschule) stacionirana u Bückenburg-u
formirana je 01. 06. 1959. godine, prvo u bazi Mending, odakle se 12.
12. 1960. godine sele na sadašnju lokaciju u Bückenburg-u. Iskoristili
su bivšu bazu RAF-a, koju je izgradio RAF 1946., a zatvorio sredinom
pedesetih. |
Reorganizacijom Oružanih snaga sa kraja 2011. godine smanjuje se i broj
helikopterskih jedinica KoV-a. Neke jedinice su raspuštene, a druge
prebačene u jedinice njemačke avijacije. Kako se ovdje obučavaju i
strani piloti, Škola avijacije KoV-a (Heeresfliegerwaffenschule) je
2015. god. preimenovana u Međunarodni helikopterski centar (International
Helicopter Training Centre). Uz obuku stranih pilota, u ovoj školi,
2011. godine počinje i obuka helikopterskih pilota iz ostalih rodova
njemačkih oružanih snaga (avijacije i mornarice). |
Internation. Hubschrauberausbildungszentrum |
Heeresfliegerwaffenschule |
Heeresfliegerwaffenschule - Lehrgruppe A |
Međunarodna helikopterska škola |
Helikopterski obučni centar Bückeburg |
Nastavna grupa A |
The German School of Army Aviation (Heeresfliegerwaffenschule) based at
Bückenburg was founded on 1 July 1959 and based first at Mending before
being transferred on 12 January 1960 to its current location at
Bückenburg Air Base, utilising the facilities of RAF Bückenburg,
constructed by the Royal Air Force in 1946 and closed in the mid-1950s. |
In October 2011 the German Federal Ministry of Defence announced a
reorganisation / reduction of the German Armed Forces. Due to the
reduction of helicopter units within the German Army, some of which are
to be disbanded whereas others are to be transferred to the German Air
Force, and also in light of the already existing international character
of training helicopter pilots, the School of Army Aviation
(Heeresfliegerwaffenschule) in 2015. was renamed to International Helicopter
Training Centre. Training of helicopter pilots of the other components
of the German Armed Forces (Air Force and Navy) at Bückeburg started in
2011. |
Ausbildungszentrum Spezielle Operationen |
Nastavni centar za specijalne operacije (AusbZSpezlOp), do 31. ožujka
2003., International Fernspähschule, u kasarni Staufer u Pfullendorfu,
okrug Sigmaringen, Baden-Württemberg, jedan je od vojnih objekata za
obuku, a posebno za obuku specijalnih i specijaliziranih snaga
Bundeswehra i oružanih snaga prijateljskih zemalja. |
The Special Operations Training Center (AusbZSpezlOp), until March 31,
2003 International Fernspähschule, in the Staufer barracks in
Pfullendorf, district of Sigmaringen, Baden-Württemberg is one of the
Army's training facilities and in particular for the training of special
forces and specialized forces of the Bundeswehr and friends armed forces
responsible. |
Oznaka za
rukav |
oznaka za rukav |
Kao i
kod ostalih oznaka škola Kopnene vojske, prikazana su dva ukrštena mača
s bijelim slovom "S" na crvenoj pozadini. Obrub oznake izvezen je u
zelenoj i bordo boji. Zelena odgovara boji pješadije koja, zajedno s
padobrancima, čini jezgru borbenih jedinica Divizije brzih snaga, a u
čijem sastavu su nekada bili i vojnici Zapovjedništva specijalnih snaga,
a do 1976. godine i Izviđači. Bordo crvena odgovara boji beretki
padobranaca, zapovjedništva specijalnih postrojbi i nekadašnjih
dalekoizviđačkih jedinica, među ostalima. |
The school insignia shows, as originally in all association insignia of
the army schools, two crossed swords with the white letter "S" on a red
background. The association badge is braided in green and burgundy.
Green corresponds to the weapon color of the infantry, which, together
with paratroopers, forms the core of the combat troops of the Rapid
Forces Division and which once also included the soldiers of the Special
Forces Command and, until 1976, the Remote Scouts. Bordeaux red
corresponds to the beret color of the paratroopers, the Special Forces
command and the former long-distance reconnaissance troop, among others. |
Technische Schule
des Heeres |
Tehnička škola Kopnene vojske (TSH) je vojni centar za obuku u Aachenu
(kasarna Lützow, Dr. Leo Löwenstein i Theodor Körner) i u Eschweileru
(kasarna Donnerberg). Tehnička škola Kopnene vojske nadležna je za
osposobljavanje i doškolovanje cjelokupnog osoblja za održavanje,
posebice Kopnene vojske i ostalih rodova Oružanih snaga i vojnih
ustrojstvenih područja. |
The Technical School of the Army (TSH) is an army training facility in
Aachen (Lützow, Dr. Leo Löwenstein and Theodor Körner barracks) and in
Eschweiler (Donnerberg barracks). The Technical School of the Army is
responsible for the training and further education of all maintenance
personnel, especially of the Army and the other branches of the armed
forces and military organizational areas. |
Schule Informationstechnik der Bundeswehr |
informacijske tehnologije Bundeswehra (ITSBw) obučava IT stručnjake
(telekomunikacije i jedinice za podršku zapovijedanja) svih skupina
Bundeswehra. Škola je odgovorna Zapovjedništvu za informacijsku
tehnologiju Bundeswehra i s oko 7000 diplomanata godišnje, jedna je od
najvećih škola u Bundeswehru. |
The Bundeswehr Information Technology School (ITSBw) trains IT
specialists (telecommunications and command support troops) of all
Bundeswehr rank groups. The school reports to the Bundeswehr Information
Technology Command and, with around 7,000 graduates a year, is one of
the largest schools in the Bundeswehr. |