je policija organizirana u tri nivoa: nacionalni provincijski i lokalni.
Na nacionalnom nivou Odjel policije Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova
planira i nadzire rad policije. U svom sastavu ima Nacionalni istražni
biro, temeljnu policiju, mobilnu policiju, Finski policijski koledž (2008.
su se ujedinili Policijska škola i policijski koledž u jednu instituciju),
Tehnički centar te Upravu za informatičku tehnologiju. Na provincijalnom
nivou postoji 5 provincijskih odjela te zasebni odjel Autonomne Alandske
oblasti. Na lokalnom nivou postoji 90 odjela te uz njih još dva posebna,
za Helsinki i Alandske otoke. Predistražne radne su u nadležnosti
policije, mada carina i granična straža mogu vršiti istrage u granicama
svojih ovlaštenja). |
Policija |
Granična straža |
The Finnish police is organised in three levels: national, provincial
and local. The national level comprises the Police Department of the
Ministry of the Interior, which plans and supervises work throughout
Finland. Under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior are the
National Bureau of Investigation, the Security Police, the Mobile
Police, the Police College of Finland (the Police School and Police
College are merge in 2008), Police Technical Centre and the Police IT
Management Agency. The Provincial Police Departments deal with police
matters in each of the 5 provinces and in the autonomous province of
Åland. At local level, Finland is divided into 90 local departments and
the Police Department of Helsinki Local District. |
In addition, the Åland Islands are covered by their own police district.
Pre-trial investigations are usually the responsibility of the police.
Customs and Frontier Guard may also carry out investigations in their own
areas. |
Zakon o grbu (381/78) opisuje grb ovako: "Okrunjeni lav stoji na crvenom
polju sa uzdignutim mačem u oklopljenoj desnoj ruci, koja je zamijenila
prednju lijevu šapu. Lav stoji zadnjim šapama na sablji. Kruna, drška
mača i spojevi oklopa su zlatne boje dok su oštrice mača i sablje
srebrene boje. Srebren je i oklop te sedam ruža koje su raspoređene po
grbu". |
The act on the arms of Finland (381/78) describes the emblem as follows:
"A crowned lion rampant on a red field holding a raised sword in an
armoured hand replacing the animal's right front leg, and trampling a
sabre with its hind legs; the lion, the crown, the hilts and the joints of
the armour being in gold, and the blades of the weapons, and the armour
itself being of silver; nine silver rosettes being scattered in the field." |