Otprilike 11.000 Danskih policajaca služi u 12 policijskih distrikta,
uključujući Grenland i Farske otoke. Uz njih, još radi i oko 3.000
drugih kao što su: tužitelji, administrativno osoblje i drugi, kao što
su naprimjer službenici, logističari, profesori, kompjuteraši, auto
mehaničari, puškari, novinari itd... Od 01. 01. 2007. su provedenom
reformom 54 distrikta pregrupirana u sadašnjih 12. Nastojalo se
modernizirati rad službi, osposobiti svaki distrikt za vršenje
samostalnih istraga itd. Reformom će se stvoriti uvjeti za povećanje
broja policajaca na ulici, što znači da će se građani osjećati
sigurnije. |
Policija |
Rezervna policija |
Činovi |
There are approximately 11,000 police officials in Denmark. They serve
with the Danish National Police, in Greenland, in the Faroe Islands and
with the 12 police districts that cover the whole country. Altogether,
there are approximately 14,000 employees in the police service where
important functions are carried out by attorneys, administrative
personnel and a series of other occupational groups such as clerical
officers, service staff, academic staff, motor and weapons mechanics, IT
personnel and journalists. On 1 January 2007, a reform of the Danish
police was initiated. It meant that 54 police districts were transformed
into the present 12 districts. The objective was to achieve a more
modern police service with sustainable police districts that on their
own are able to carry out major investigations and provide large-scale
emergency and support services. The reform will also imply over time
that there will be more police officers in the street, which means that
citizens will feel more secure. |
Many, many thanks to
Mr. Poul Eric Jellinge on his donation (more than 50 Danish police and military
insignias!) |