Najbrojnije policijske snage u Costa Rici su Fuerza publica, koje su pod
kontrolom Ministarstva javne sigurnosti (Ministerio de Seguridad
Publica). Ove su policijske snage zadužene za održavanje javnog reda,
prevenciju i borbu protiv kriminala te sigurnost građana. Na ulici ćete
pripadnike ovih snaga prepoznati po plavim uniformama. Ostale snage
zadužene za provođenje zakona su Migraciona policija (Policia de
Migracion), Granična policija (Policia de Fronteras), Policija za borbu
protiv narkotika (Policia de Control de Drogas), Turistička policija
(Policia Turistica) te Prometna policija (Policia de Transito). |
BREAST BADGE (replica) |
In Costa Rica the largest police contingency is the Fuerza Publica
which is under the control of the Ministry of Public Security (Ministerio
de Seguridad Publica). This police force is responsible for the
protection of citizen security, crime prevention and response. The
officers that you see dressed in blue that are walking or patrolling
the streets are part of the Fuerza Publica. |
Other police forces include the Immigration Police (Policia de
Migracion), Border Police (Policia de Fronteras), Drug Enforcement
Police (Policia de Control de Drogas) and the Toruism Police (Policia
Turistica), Transit Police (Policia de Transito). The police that
conducts criminal investigations in Costa Rica is the Judicial
Investigative Bureau (Organismo de Investigacion Judicial). |