Australska Federalna Policija i njen prethodnik, policija Commonwealtha,
bili su dio policijskih snaga Božićnog otoka otkako je otok postao
australsko područje 1958. AFP je preuzeo izravnu odgovornost za nadzor
teritorija Indijskog oceana 1991. Otokom upravlja administrator imenovan
od australskog generalnog guvernera. AFP provodi zakon Commonwealtha,
uključujući Kazneni zakon Zapadne Australije i povezane zakone poput
Zakona o motornom prometu zapadne Australije. |
policijske dužnosti nisu slične onima na australskom glavnom teritoriju.
Uključuju prometne operacije i detaljne istrage kaznenih djela. U
dogovoru između administratora i ministra za pravosuđe, AFP poduzima niz
regulatornih usluga, uključujući pružanje carinskih usluga i registar
automobila. Policijski nadzornik je i otočni matičar. Policija obavlja
sve dužnosti koje se obično pripisuju Odjelu za registraciju automobila,
uključujući inspekciju vozila, registraciju i ispitivanje vozačke
dozvole (od automobila do teških vozila). |
Stara oznaka za rukav |
The AFP and its predecessor the Commonwealth Police, have been part of
the Christmas Island Police Force since the island became an Australian
territory in 1958. The AFP assumed direct responsibility for policing
the Indian Ocean territories in 1991. The island is administered by an
administrator appointed by Australia's Governor-General. The AFP
enforces Commonwealth law including the Western Australian Criminal Code
as applied and its associated laws such as the Western Australian Motor
Traffic Act. |
Policing on the island is as diverse as it is interesting. General
policing duties are not unlike those in the Australian Capital
Territory. They include traffic operations and detailed investigations
of criminal acts. By agreement between the administrator and the
Minister for Justice, the AFP undertakes a range of regulatory services
including providing customs services and the motor registry. The police
superintendent is the island's registrar. Police conduct all the duties
normally attributed to the Department of Motor Registry, including
vehicle inspection, registration and driver's licence testing (from cars
to heavy vehicles). |