Avijatičar regrut je najniži u hijerarhiji Avijacije SAD-a. Njegovi su zadaci obuka u vojnoj disciplini i vojnim vještinama potrebnim u avijaciji. Kako regruti ne nose oznake čina, dobili su nadimak „glatki rukav“ (slick-sleeves). Uobičajeno je da prvo promaknuće slijedi nakon šest mjeseci te nakon uspješno provedene obuke (pod uvjetom da nisu kršili disciplinu).

      Airman Basic (AB) is the lowest enlisted rank of the US Air Force. The responsibilities of an Airman Basic include learning about and displaying knowledge of Air Force customs and standards, as well as learning the military and technical skills required in the Air Force. One identifying marker of an airman basic's uniform is that they have no rank insignia. They are nicknamed “slick-sleeves,” because, while all other ranks have rank insignias on their sleeves, the airman basic's sleeves are plain. Airman basics are typically promoted to airman after just six months in grade. Assuming the airman basic has maintained standards and not committed any striking offenses, the promotion is guaranteed.




      Čin zrakoplovca sa sobom nosi odgovornost prilagođavanja vojnom načinu života u zračnim snagama i osposobljavanje za zanimanje zračnih snaga. Po završetku osnovne obuke, svi zrakoplovci ulaze u obuku u škole ratnog zrakoplovstva za svoje specijalnosti („poslove“), ovisno o njihovim sklonostima i interesima te potrebama ratnog zrakoplovstva.


      The rank of airman brings with it the responsibility of adjusting to the Air Force way of military life and becoming proficient in an Air Force occupational specialty. Upon leaving basic training, all airmen enter training at Air Force schools in their specialties ("jobs"), depending on their aptitudes and interests, and the needs of the Air Force.




      Smatra se da su zrakoplovci prve klase potpuno prilagođeni zračnim snagama i vojnom životu, a njihove dužnosti su usmjerene na učinkovito i djelotvorno izvršavanje zadataka uz brušenje radnih vještina. Avijatičarima prve klase dodjeljuje se sve veća odgovornost. Od zrakoplovca prve klase se očekuje da bude u skladu sa standardima zračnih snaga i služi kao uzor podređenima. Osim toga, od njih se očekuje da počnu svladavati svoj posao i vještine vođenja.

      Promicanje (unapređenje) u viši čin zrakoplovnih snaga: Zračne snage zahtijevaju od zrakoplovaca regruta (E-2) da imaju najmanje 10 mjeseci u službi prije nego što mogu biti promaknuti u zrakoplovce prve klase. Ne postoje zahtjevi za vrijeme u službi (TIS) za zrakoplovce prve klase. Uloga i odgovornosti zrakoplovaca prve klase rastu kako se njihovo iskustvo povećava i oni postaju kalfe i vođe. Prosječno vrijeme aktivne službe u Zračnim snagama za unapređenje u čin zrakoplovca prve klase je 16 mjeseci.


      Airmen first class are considered to be fully adjusted to Air Force and military life, and their duties focus on carrying out their assignments efficiently and effectively while honing their job skills. Airmen first class are assigned an increasing level of responsibility. An Airman first class is expected to comply with Air Force standards and serve as a role model for subordinates. In addition, they are expected to start mastering their job and leadership skills.

      Moving up the Air Force Ranks: The Air Force requires airmen basic ( E-2) to have at least 10 months' time in grade before they can be promoted to airman first class. There are no time in service (TIS) requirements for airman first class. An airman first class' role and responsibilities increase as their experience increases and they become journeymen and leaders. The average Air Force-wide, active-duty time for promotion to the rank of airman first class is 16 months.




      Čin višeg zrakoplovca je prijelazno razdoblje od kalfe u podoficira (dočasnika) (NCO). Bitno je da zrakoplovci razviju vještine nadzora i vođenja kroz profesionalno vojno iskustvo (PME) i individualno učenje. Od njih se očekuje da se ponašaju u skladu s utvrđenim standardima, pružajući pozitivan utjecaj i primjer svojim podređenima i kolegama. Stariji zrakoplovci predstavljaju sliku kompetencije, integriteta i ponosa.

      Napredovanje u činovima zrakoplovnih snaga: Zračne snage zahtijevaju da zrakoplovac prve klase ima 28 mjeseci u razredu (TIG), ili 36 mjeseci TIS-a i 20 mjeseci TIG-a. Prosječno vrijeme aktivne službe za napredovanje u čin starijeg zrakoplovca je tri godine.

      Iznimka od pravila: stariji zrakoplovac (E-4) ispod zone -- Zapovjednici jedinica zračnih snaga ovlašteni su u šest mjeseci unaprijediti 15% svojih uzornih zrakoplovaca prve klase (E-3) u starije zrakoplovce (E-4) ispred normalnog TIS-a. Odluka zapovjednika postrojbe prvenstveno se temelji na promotivnom rosteru. Velike jedinice provode promotivne rostere "u kući" i odabiru do 15% za ranu promociju. Male jedinice spajaju kandidate u "bazen" i tvore središnji bazni odbor (CBB).


      The rank of senior airman is a transition period from journeyman to non-commissioned officer (NCO). It is essential that airmen develop supervisory and leadership skills through professional military experience (PME) and individual study. They are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with established standards, providing a positive influence and example for their subordinates and peers alike. Senior airmen present the image of competence, integrity and pride.

      Moving up the Air Force Ranks: The Air Force requires for airman first class to have 28 months' time in grade (TIG), or 36 months of TIS and 20 months of TIG. The average servicewide, active-duty time for advancement to the rank of senior airman is three years.

      Exception to the Rule: Senior Airman (E-4) Below-the-Zone -- Air Force unit commanders are authorized to promote 15% of their exemplary airmen first class (E-3) to senior airmen (E-4) six months ahead of the normal TIS. The unit commander's decision is based primarily on a promotion board. Large units conduct the promotion boards "in-house" and select up to 15% for early promotion. Small units combine applicants into a pool and form a Central Base Board (CBB).




      Pripadnici avijacije u rangu E-5 i E-6 nazivaju se podoficiri (dočasnici). Od podoficira zračnih snaga se očekuje da budu primjer osobnog integriteta, odanosti, vodstva, predanosti i odanosti dužnosti, uključujući poštivanje politike, tradicije i standarda Zračnih snaga.Podoficiri zračnih snaga i viši podoficiri promaknuti su na temelju Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS). Zrakoplovci s odgovarajućom razinom TIS/TIG/vještine i preporukom zapovjednika natječu se za promaknuće na temelju svojih "WAPS bodova" unutar svog AFSC-a (Air Force Specialty Code). WAPS bodovi za promociju izvode se iz sustava koji daje bodove za ispite za promociju fitnessa (PFE), test znanja o specijalnosti (SKT), medalje i nagrade, vrijeme u rangu (TIG)/vrijeme u službi (TIS) i ocjenjivanje službe.


      Air Force enlisted members E-5 and E-6 are referred to as NCOs. Air Force NCOs are expected to exemplify personal integrity, loyalty, leadership, dedication and devotion to duty, including upholding Air Force policies, traditions and standards. Air Force NCOs and Senior NCOs are promoted based on the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS). Airmen with the proper TIS/TIG/skill level and commander's recommendation compete for promotion based on their "WAPS Points" within their AFSC (Air Force Specialty Code). The WAPS promotion points are derived from a system that gives points for the promotion fitness examination (PFE), specialty knowledge test (SKT), medals and awards, time in grade (TIG)/time in service (TIS) and performance evaluations.




      The staff sergeant (SSgt) is the first level of the NCO ranks in the Air Force. The staff sergeant is considered a craftsman with specific NCO supervisory responsibilities and may hold either a 5- (journeyman) or 7- (craftsman) skill level. Additionally the SSgt must strive continuously to further their development as technicians and supervisors. The average Air Force-wide, active-duty time for promotion to the rank of staff sergeant is more than four years.

      Moving up the Air Force Ranks: Promotion to staff sergeant requires three years of time in serve (TIS) and six months of time in grade (TIG). In addition, airmen must achieve a 5-skill level, compete in WAPS and complete the Airman Leadership School in-residence before assuming the rank of staff sergeant.




      The technical sergeant (TSgt) is the second level of the NCO ranks in the Air Force. Technical sergeants are qualified to perform highly complex technical duties in addition to providing supervision. They're responsible for the career development of each subordinate under their supervision.

      It is the TSgt's responsibility to ensure that all enlisted personnel have the tools, training and support they need to achieve maximum performance and accomplish total mission effectiveness. The average Air Force-wide, active-duty time for promotion to the rank of technical sergeant is 12 years.

      Moving up the Air Force Ranks: The promotion process for tech sergeant is identical to the process for promotion to staff sergeant, except for the minimum requirements of five years of time in serve (TIS) and 23 months of time in grade (TIG), in addition to achieving a 7-skill level.




      Air Force enlisted members E-7 and above are referred to as SNCOs. Air Force SNCOs are expected to set the highest standards of personal integrity, loyalty, leadership, dedication and devotion to duty, including upholding Air Force policies, traditions and standards.Like the NCO ranks, Senior NCOs are rated by their "skill levels." The following is a breakdown of the Air Force's SNCO required skill levels:

      7-Level: Supervisor. Technical sergeant (E-6) to master sergeant (E-7)

      9-Level: Manager. Skill-level assigned to E-8s and E-9s.



      The master sergeant (MSgt) functions primarily as a craftsman while holding more advanced leadership positions. MSgts hold a 7-skill level. This rank carries significantly increased responsibilities and requires a broad technical and managerial perspective. The average servicewide, active-duty time for advancement to the rank of master sergeant is more than 17 years.

OBSOLETE in 1991 OBSOLETE in 1991  
Od 1991. godine nije više u upotrebi Od 1991. godine nije više u upotrebi  

      Moving up the Air Force Ranks: The promotion process for master sergeant is identical to the process for promotion to staff sergeant and technical sergeant, except for the minimum requirements: eight years' time-in-serve (TIS) and 24 months' time-in-grade (TIG) requirements, in addition to achieving a 7-skill level.




      The senior master sergeant (SMSgt) is expected to perform as a superintendent or manager. Broad management skills are essential to exercising the responsibilities of the higher leadership positions in which SMSgts serve. The average servicewide, active-duty time for advancement to the rank of senior master sergeant is more than 20 years.

      Moving up the Air Force Ranks: Because public law allows only 2% of the enlisted workforce to be in the grades of E8, the SMSgt promotion system is highly competitive. Senior master sergeant and chief master sergeant promotions in the Air Force are made using both the WAPS points and a Central Evaluation Board that reviews promotion records. To be eligible for promotion, an MSgt must have a minimum of 11 years' TIS and 20 months' TIG.

      The biggest factor for senior master sergeant promotions is the Central Evaluation Board (CEB). Each year, once for senior master sergeant (January) and once for chief master sergeant (October), the Air Force convenes the CEB, consisting of several three-person panels. Each panel examines the promotion records for specific AFSCs (jobs).

OBSOLETE / Nije više u upotrebi OBSOLETE / Nije više u upotrebi OBSOLETE / Nije više u upotrebi

      This means that everyone within a given AFSC will have their records scored by the same panel. The panels examine the promotion records and score them by considering the following: performance, professional competence, leadership, job responsibility, breadth of experience, specific achievements and education level.




      The rank of chief master sergeant is the highest Air Force enlisted rank, with the exception of the chief master sergeant of the Air Force. The CMSAF is a distinctive rank with special basic and retired pay rates set by law. Chief master sergeants serve as managers and superintendents, advisers, enlisted force managers and provide senior enlisted leadership. Following selection, CMSgts are assigned chief enlisted manager (CEM) codes and may fill any managerial-level position and perform all duties not prohibited by law or directive. The average service-wide, active-duty time for advancement to the rank of chief master sergeant is more than 22 years.




      Command chief master sergeants serve as senior advisers to unit and base commanders. CMCs advise the commander on all enlisted matters, including all issues affecting the command's mission and operations, and the readiness, training, utilization, morale, technical and professional development and quality of life of all enlisted members in the organization. Command chiefs are the functional managers for all SNCOs in their entire command/organization.

      Moving up the Air Force Ranks: Only 1% of the Air Force enlisted personnel can hold the grade of E9 at any one time. This makes the competition for CMSgt promotions extremely tight. Chief master sergeant promotions in the Air Force are made using both the WAPS points and a Central Evaluation Board that reviews the individual's promotion record. To be eligible for promotion, a SMSgt must have a minimum of 14 years' TIS and 21 months' TIG.




      The chief master sergeant of the Air Force (CMSAF) is a unique non-commissioned rank in the United States Air Force. The holder of this rank and post represents the highest enlisted level of leadership in the Air Force and provides direction for the enlisted corps and represents their interests, as appropriate, to the American public, and to those in all levels of government.

      The CMSAF is appointed by the Air Force Chief of Staff (AF/CC) and serves as the senior enlisted adviser to the Air Force Chief of Staff and the secretary of the Air Force on all issues regarding the welfare, readiness, morale, and proper utilization and progress of the enlisted force.


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